Cosmetic plastic surgery is seen to have been consistently on the rise, but breast enlargement is by far the mostly done. There are plenty of reasons why women choose to go for this kind of treatment. This includes when they have significant asymmetry, or they have experienced the loss of the breast's volume due to loss of weight or pregnancy, or to enhance the shape and volume of their breast and create more balance with other parts of their body. Even though the most frequently performed cosmetic surgery being breast augmentation, patients should be aware of the several factors to be considered before choosing to have breast augmentation
The Types of Breast Implants Available
The breast implants consist of a silicone shell filled with either a cohesive silicone gel or saline. But the ultimate decision on which implant you can use will lower down to aesthetic goals and personal preference. The implants with saline or silicone are not your only options for breast augmentation in Melbourne. Breast augmentation procedures are using autologous fat grafts. This procedure is conducted by the use of liposuction to extract fat from other parts of the body. Once the fat has been extracted, it is processed into a condition that is fit for injection into the breasts. Apart from the material, implants come in different shapes and sizes too.
An Ideal Candidate for Surgery
Breast augmentation is said to be a reasonably straightforward procedure, because it is easy for you to undergo, and the recovery time is very brief. The procedure will only be mildly uncomfortable. Therefore, an ideal candidate is living healthy and only desires an increase in the breast's size. If you have sagging breasts, you are not advised to receive this operation alone. Having a breast lift, with or without breast augmentation is needed to address sagging breasts. Those planning to have pregnancy should avoid the procedure too since pregnancy and breastfeeding change the shape and volume of your breasts.
Preparation for the Surgery
Just like any surgical procedures, the preparation process for breast augmentation starts six weeks in advance. At this time, you are advised to stop smoking and the use of tobacco and nicotine products in case you are using and stop hormonal birth control methods too. This is because smoking can interfere with the healing process and increase the risk of complications. Hormone-based birth control may increase the risk of blood clots. About ten days to the procedure, you are asked to stop drinking red wine and steer free of ibuprofen, aspirin, and any medications that contain those products since these compounds able to thin the blood and thus increase the risk of bleeding. Doctors recommend that you reduce the supplement intake such as vitamin E, omega 3s, and others for the same reason.
The risks of the procedure
Just like any surgical procedure, there are some risks associated, along with some potential complications. It is advised that the possible breast augmentation surgery risks include the following: anesthesia risks, bleeding, infection, changes in the nipple, reduced scarring, wrong position of time implant, leakage or rupture of the implant, the formation of tight scar tissue around the implant, accumulation of fluid, skin wrinkling over the implant, persistent pain, and possibility of revision surgery. Some other potential risks and complications can be discussed thoroughly with your surgeon before breast augmentation in Melbourne.