Radio frequency (RF) technology works by applying heat and electric current. Its use is not new in medicine. This radio wave technology is known to help manage chronic pains from osteoarthritis, sports injuries, or symptoms caused by other medical conditions. Aside from pain management, radio frequency is also used in the treatment of certain cancers.
Radio frequency therapy has made a lot of headway in safety, effectiveness, ease of use, and versatility through the years. With the increasing number of convenient at-home devices available in the market today, radio frequency devices have become more affordable to countless people who want to reap the benefits of the technology not just to treat various illnesses but also to improve skin health.
Here are the six ways radio frequency treatments can improve your skin:
1. Assists In Skin Tightening
Many people want to look young, but few are willing to go under the knife to achieve this goal. Minimally invasive therapy like RF technology continues to be one of the top cosmetic surgery trends from 2017 up to now.
The treatment remains popular mainly because it may help tighten drooping skin on the neck and face and other sagging skin areas on the body. By applying heat and electric pulses, this therapy may make the skin firmer and create a more toned face, neck, chin, and jawline for a more youthful appearance.
2. Promotes Skin Rejuvenation
One reason that skin starts to sag is the decreased production of new elastin and collagen responsible for the suppleness and elasticity of the skin. Collagen formation is fast when you were younger, so damaged skin is quickly replaced by healthy new skin. However, as you grow older, skin rejuvenation or replacing damaged and dull skin take longer.
Many experts believe that long-term radio frequency therapy use is a promising skin rejuvenation technique. Through RF devices, the production of elastin and collagen may dramatically improve. After about three months of regular treatment, positive changes to the skin may be noticeable.
3. Minimizes Appearance of Fine Lines
The appearance of fine lines and wrinkles are signs of aging. The deeper and more prominent these crevices on the face become, the older a person looks. Many dermatological treatments promise to reduce wrinkles, but most are invasive, painful, and expensive.
For those who are not keen on undergoing surgery or pricey treatments, RF procedures may help soften fine lines after several sessions. Each treatment session may provide minor improvements to help you achieve younger skin. Of course, the deeper the lines, the longer it will take to soften their appearance.
4. Provides Long-Lasting Skin Improvement
Injections of certain medications can drastically improve your skin. However, the effect of such interventions may not last long. After a few weeks, your skin will sag even more, so you'll require more injections to maintain your youthful look.
On the other hand, radio frequency therapy targets internal healing to achieve skin improvement. Thus, you'll have to wait and undergo several sessions to see a marked improvement of your skin. That said, the benefits of RF are longer-lasting, especially if you also add a basic skincare regimen like cleansing, toning, moisturizing, and added protection from UV exposure.
5. Gradually Treats Sun Damage
Aside from wrinkles, another culprit to making your face and body look old is sun damage. Some signs include skin dryness, formation of fine lines, and appearance of age spots and discoloration. Every time you expose your skin to harmful ultraviolet rays, you're promoting the degradation of your skin's collagen fibers.
Results of several studies show that continued use of RF therapy for at least 90 days may lead to visible improvement to the appearance of mild to moderate photoaging. With the help of radio frequency, you may notice a decline in the formation of age spots, skin discoloration, and wrinkles. You may also see your skin getting firmer and more toned.
6. Reduces Appearance of Stretch Marks
As mentioned earlier, radio frequency treatments penetrate the skin to promote internal healing. The procedure does not damage the skin's top layer but penetrates the deeper layers for more targeted intervention despite using heat and electric currents.
RF therapy brings in results by stimulating the formation of elastin and collagen, which are the building blocks of young skin. So, it's not surprising that many skincare clinics use RF to help patients minimize the appearance of stretch marks and improve the skin's overall health.
Final Thoughts
There are many ways in which radio frequency treatments can improve the quality of your skin. You can either visit aesthetic clinics to provide the treatment or use convenient portable RF devices in the comfort of your home. However, RF is not a magic wand that can miraculously banish your skin woes away. It requires consistent treatments to achieve your goal of having more youthful-looking skin.