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A Guide on How to Cope With Neuropathy

Those who suffer from diabetes and are not careful with their disease can become a target of diabetic neuropathy. Peripheral (diabetic) neuropathy ranges from mild to extreme. The cause for peripheral neuropathy is damaged nerves on the exterior of the brain and the spinal cord. 

Due to the damaged peripheral nerves, the person suffering from neuropathy starts to feel numb. It causes pain too but due to the numbness, a person with this disease may not even know when they have hurt themselves. The most affected by damaged nerves are hands and feet but other areas of the body are at a risk too. 

There is unfortunately no accurate treatment for neuropathy. Doctors can only prescribe you medicines that will help control your symptoms. A functional medical doctor’s approach to this disease is to stop the symptoms from worsening and to contain the disease, as much as possible.

The Importance of Peripheral Nerves:

A human body has a nervous system known as the peripheral nervous system. Your peripheral nervous system has the responsibility of sending messages from your brain and spinal cord to the rest of your body. The central nervous system also depends on the peripheral nervous system to send sensory information. Peripheral nerves control the function of sensation, movement, and motor coordination. 

Causes behind Peripheral Neuropathy:

It is a well-known fact that people who suffer from diabetes are more prone to peripheral neuropathy but there are other scenarios too, due to which you can become a victim of this disease. 

Autoimmune disease - Lupus, Vasculitis, Rheumatoid Arthritis, CIDP, and many other various autoimmune diseases.

Infections - it occurs due to viral and bacterial infections such as; Lyme disease,  Hepatitis B,  Hepatitis C,  and being HIV positive.

Inherited diseases - sometimes you can inherit a form of neuropathy if it runs in your family.

Other reasons for neuropathy are; bone marrow disorders, tumors, and abnormal growth that may be cancerous or benign. If these tumors develop on nerves then there is a high risk of peripheral neuropathy––it can also result from injuries and exposure to a toxic environment.

People who suffer from peripheral neuropathy often complain about sharp pain or a burning sensation. Like we said before, there is no treatment for neuropathy. However, if the cause of neuropathy is stemmed from a treatable disease then treating that disease will help largely in controlling the symptoms of neuropathy. 

How to Manage Neuropathy:

Be cautious about your feet: This is extremely important for those who have diabetes. The reason you must keep a check on your feet is that with this disease you have a high chance of losing sensation in your feet. So, even if you are severely hurt, you will not feel it. Keep a lookout for cuts and blisters. Avoid wearing tight shoes and socks, as they will create permanent sores on your feet.

Avoid smoking: It is well known fact that cigarettes can have a negative impact on your body’s circulation. If there is a lack of blood circulation, this is putting your feet at risk of amputation and other complications.

Add healthier options to your diet: It is no surprise that with this disease you must eat healthily. You should avoid food that is rich in fat. Try to incorporate fruits, dairy, and greens into your diet.

Avoid pressure: Do not put too much pressure on your feet, knees, or elbows. Do not sit in any position that may be damaging to your nerves for hours straight. Ensuring that the inevitable pressure from standing and walking in your day to day life lands best on your feet is essential too. Use Protalus insoles for neuropathy to help manage this pain.

Massage: This is also a natural treatment for neuropathy. It helps improve circulation and relieve pain in your hands and feet. You can either learn to massage your hands & feet at home or get someone to do it for you.

How to be smart with your health:

People who have chronic diseases feel like life is a challenge for them. They indeed have to do things differently from healthy people but there are always ways to make your situation better! Some ways are below:

Plan ahead: It will be easier for you to get things done when you keep a limit of things you can do per day. Make a list of things ranging from “most important” to “unimportant” and follow out tasks in that manner. However, it is also not advised to overwork your body, so keep a limit and do not exceed it.

Be at peace: If you deny the presence of your disease, things will only get worse for you. For the disease to be under control, you first need to accept that you are suffering from neuropathy. You need to remind yourself that even though there are many negatives to this disease, you still have good days that you are yet to experience.

Socialize: It is easy to sit around and feel sorry for your situation but this will only worsen your pain and symptoms. At tough times, you need to make sure that you go and visit a friend or involve yourself in a fun activity to shift your focus.

Physical fitness: Just because you have peripheral neuropathy does not mean you cannot maintain fitness. It is easy to get scared under such conditions but many exercises and sets have light movement that is easy on the body. You may even try yoga.

Get help: If you have always been the kind of person who does not like anyone else controlling their life, it might be hard for you to do this. However, there is no shame in needing help. 

You are going through a drastic change in your life and it is normal to accept help during such moments. You may even join a support group to feel less alone. Ask your doctor if you want to find a support group near you. You should also stay in touch with a therapist to help battle any emotional symptoms like depression and insomnia.

Final Thoughts 

Doctors are still working on finding a cure for peripheral neuropathy but there are many alternatives like OTC painkillers and prescription anti-depressants that your doctor will give you to manage your symptoms. As much as it is important to follow a doctor’s plan, it is also important to take care of yourself and socialize during such times.