People would think that social media is to blame for more and more folks wanting to look more beautiful and more desirable. However, a more positive theory would suggest that the culprit behind so much attention to self-improvement is self-love.
Nowadays, numerous plastic surgery procedures make use of laser technology, including hair removal, skin tightening, and vein treatment in Guelph.
If you’re curious about exactly how people do this (or how they’ll soon be doing it), here are 7 of the top plastic surgery trends for this year:
1. Minimally-invasive procedures
Choosing tummy tuck surgery vs laser treatment is now almost a foreign concept for plastic surgery veterans. The dawn of new surgical equipment and technology has lead to the emergence of minimally-invasive surgery, which allows plastic surgeons to perform procedures through smaller and fewer incisions. Such methods have been quick to catch people’s attention because they promise to:
● Be cheaper
● Be less painful
● Require shorter recovery times
● Provide subtle yet significant changes
Apart from those benefits, minimally-invasive procedures that don’t lead to incredibly dramatic consequences also make it easier for people who are hesitant, nervous, or somewhat ashamed to break the plastic surgery barrier. Examples of such procedures include:
● Fillers
These are used to either get rid of wrinkles or make a feature—such as the lips, cheeks, or chin—look fuller.
● Botox
This is done to relax the muscles and consequently remove wrinkles. Although Botox can be administered as needed, too much botulism, which is the chemical injected to relax muscles, can be highly dangerous and maybe even fatal.
● Laser procedures
Nowadays, numerous plastic surgery procedures make use of laser technology, including hair removal, skin tightening, and vein removal. The application of laser technology in these procedures offers numerous advantages, including reduced recovery times, lower risk of complications, and improved aesthetic outcomes. This has made lasers an indispensable part of cosmetic treatments, fulfilling the growing demand for non-invasive and minimally invasive aesthetic procedures. Learn more from plastic Surgeon Dr Tim.
● Face and eye lifts
Both can be performed using laser technology. These are popular options for both men and women because skin sagging is a strong indicator of old age.
2. “Tweak-ments”
We’re not in the early 2000s anymore; people are no longer fond of over-exaggerated breasts and bottoms. On the contrary, they now seem to favor more natural looks. In other words, instead of wanting to look like their most beloved Hollywood stars, people simply wish to appear like better, more attractive versions of themselves.
This is where subtle treatments, also known as “tweak-ments,” come in, wherein slight tweaks are made instead of full-blown changes. For instance, breast augmentations are becoming less about size and more about shape.
The little things are being given more emphasis as well. There is actually a minor procedure that lifts the upper lip slightly to stop the cupid bow from elongating and looking aged.
3. Body contouring
While traditional body-shaping procedures like liposuctions and tummy tucks remain to be popular, new non-invasive procedures that are up and coming promise to sculpt the body by burning fat and building muscles. Essentially, body contouring makes it look like you work out without making you do the hard work.
4. Hybrid breast surgery
As opposed to solely using implants, hybrid breast surgery involves fat transfer as well. This allows the surgeon to use smaller implants, which would further lead to lower risks for eventual sagging or capsular contracture, which is essentially the hardening and misshaping of an implant.
5. Ultrasonic rhino-sculpture
This procedure shapes the nose with high precision without damaging the soft tissue and cartilage as much as conventional nose jobs do, which is why it’s the best procedure for people who wish to:
● Narrow their nasal bridges
● Eliminate bumps
● Correct deviated septums
The best part is that ultrasonic rhino-sculptures don’t need long recovery times, so people can enjoy a more aesthetic nose in as little as two weeks.
6. Preventive measures
Young people are openly and willingly undergoing plastic surgery not because they want to address drastic and pressing issues, but because they wish to prevent them when they get older. Such preventive measures include:
● Botox
● Laser treatments
● Minimal lifts
7. 4K technology
Helpful to both patients and surgeons alike, 4K technology is starting to gain ground in plastic surgery clinics all over the globe. For the patient, it will help them better foresee the kind of results they want to have and if they’re practical or not. Meanwhile, for the surgeons, 4K technology will help them be more precise during the procedure itself.
Surgeons use this technology by capturing and later projecting a clear and detailed scan of the patient’s entire body. It shows accurate proportions, so it’s especially helpful for major body-shaping procedures.
Choosing the Best Procedure
Choosing the right plastic surgery procedure requires careful consideration of your goals, research, and consultation with a professional. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you make an informed decision:
Define Your Goals: Clearly define what you want to change or enhance. Consider why you want the procedure and what you hope to achieve with it.
Research Potential Procedures: Once you know what you want to address, research the procedures that can help achieve your goals.
Understand the Risks and Benefits: Consider potential side effects, recovery time, and the likelihood of needing repeat procedures.
Evaluate Before and After Photos: During your consultations, ask to see before and after photos of previous patients who had the same procedures you’re considering. This can provide a clearer picture of the surgeon’s work and the potential results.
Consider Your Health: Discuss your medical history with the surgeon to ensure you’re a good candidate for the desired procedure.
Plan Financially: Understand the total cost of the procedure, including any aftercare or follow-up treatments that might be necessary.
Think About Timing: Some procedures require significant downtime for recovery, so make sure you can afford to take time off and have support during recovery.
Get Emotional Support: Talk to family or friends about your decision, especially those who might be part of your recovery process. This can help you feel confident and comfortable with your choice.
Have Realistic Expectations: Cosmetic surgery won’t completely change your life or how others perceive you.
In a culture of selfies and #fitspirations, no one will be overly judgmental of anyone who chooses to go under the knife anymore. So, if you decide to go for preventive treatments, an ultrasonic nose job, or a full-on hybrid breast augmentation, the first thing on your mind should be your safety. Be sure to put your body and your life in the hands of a licensed plastic surgeon who’s not just experienced, but who’s actually successful.