Sleep is as important as having good health. However, many people do not consider sleep as a priority in their life. As a result, the effects become visible through how they feel, look and behave. Although some people have no issue sleeping with ease. It is a struggle for some and it has contributed to many other negative issues in their life. As an example, most people who sleep less due to sleeping late and having to wake up early. Experience poor memory, low productivity and other biological functions that affect your body and brain. Therefore, you must learn certain tips to help you fall asleep fast to get adequate quality sleep as discussed below.
Use the breathing technique
Many breathing techniques are used to help unwind before bed. Most of them are effective and help in promoting relaxation and calmness. Therefore, as you lay down on your sleep number you can try one that you understand easily to relax your nervous system. The 4-7-8 breathing method is a great one that not only is used to help with sleep, but you can use it anytime you are feeling anxious. Individuals that are stressed or are facing nerve-wracking situations can practice this breathing method as well to calm down. Learn the technique and practice it consistently until you are familiar with it for it helps one to fall asleep fast.
Control light exposure
This is possible by allowing your body to sense both daylight and darkness. This will help your body’s internal clock to regulate sleep and wakefulness correctly and at specific times. Since light influences your circadian rhythm that is your body’s internal clock. When you stick to a regular light exposure your circadian rhythm flows well with this pattern and you can fall asleep fast. Therefore, expose your body to light during the day to make you more alert. Then at night as you unwind for bed dim all lights to promote feelings of sleepiness. In case you have disruptive lights coming from other external sources. Consider investing in block out curtains that make your room dark at night and stay at par with the circadian rhythm.
Initiate an exercise routine
If you have no exercise routine, initiate one that you can follow through the day. Besides, physical activity has great benefits to your health not sleep alone. Also, they boost the quality and quantity of your sleep. This is by boosting the production of serotonin in the brain and lowering levels of cortisol hormone that causes stress. In addition to this, choose the time that you practice your exercise routine. Morning workouts are deemed best than evening workouts. However, if you have to work out later in the evening. Avoid intense workouts for they can cause you not to fall asleep as fast for they keep the brain alert. Although exercise is critical, do it in moderation and soon enough you will start falling asleep quicker.
Practice positive visualization
By visualizing things that make you happy you can trick the mind to think in a certain way. Practicing positive visualization is a great type of mind shift that is better than thinking of stressful things. Visualization is a great imaginary distraction that will help you sleep faster when you focus on happy thoughts. Practice this through various online Apps or seek help from a sleep therapist. Since if you practice it wrong it will excite you and this makes the brain more alert. Hence focus on visualizing what you are grateful for and this will keep off all your worries. In no time you will fall asleep quicker for your mind is calm.
Shift to soothing beverages
Nowadays, several herbal teas and beverages are better than caffeine and alcohol that prevent you from falling asleep. Limiting caffeine and alcohol to these sleep-inducing beverages will bring positive effects on your sleep. In particular, consider other foods that contain caffeine like sodas, chocolate, and energy drinks that most people consume late in the evening. Some of the soothing beverages that will help you fall asleep fast are like chamomile tea, passionflower tea, lemon balm among others. These teas help you to relax and have positive effects on your sleep, unlike the effects you get while consuming coffee and alcohol.
Check the room temperature
When we are cooler, without a doubt we sleep better. Hence lowering the room temperature helps you to stay as par with your body temperature. Since the body temperature naturally falls when sleep time approaches. This helps with a good night’s rest by helping you sleep faster and stay asleep. Hence, ensure that your thermostat is set to a cool temperature to avoid the room getting too warm and you having trouble sleeping. Depending on where you live the conducive temperatures may vary. A warm shower will help you speed up the body’s temperature shifts and will help your body cool down easily.
Choose foods that induce you to sleep
Considering that the foods and drinks we consume at night may hinder us from falling asleep. It is therefore vital to watch when and what you eat. High carb meals affect sleep negatively, therefore, avoiding such is important. However, some people claim that high carb foods help them sleep faster but it is sure not restful sleep. Some of the meals or bedtime snacks that promote sleep include fatty fish, turkey, kiwi fruit, walnuts, white rice among others. These are better than sleep supplements and you can add sleep-inducing herbal teas as well to replace the wine to fall asleep fast.
The sleep position
Every individual has a sleep position that they prefer to rest their bodies during the night. According to popular belief, the back sleepers tend to have better sleep quality. Unlike the side and stomach position sleepers that interestingly defend their sleep position. Differing from this traditional belief, sleep therapists discourage sleeping on your back for it causes snoring and sleep apnea due to blocked airways. Yet, they recommended side sleeping positions to sleep faster and for quality sleep.