You will meet people who definitely don’t look their age and probably wonder what their secret is.
Although, ultimately, you can’t fight the forces of nature that make us all susceptible to the aging process there are some tricks and tips that are worth knowing about if you want to avoid issues such as your facial features heading showing signs of sagging.
Well-known cosmetic solutions such as botox are certainly worth talking about if you want to keep your looks for longer and there are other suggestions that can also help.
Understanding what is going on with your body
A good starting point in your battle against the aging process and problems such as face sagging would be to understand why this is happening to your body as you go past your 30th birthday and beyond.
The simple answer is that your body produces less collagen and elastin as part of the aging process.
Why is this important? Collagen and elastin are the two most important elements that take most of the responsibility for giving your skin that firmness and elasticity that you take for granted when you are younger.
This is something we have known about for thousands of years and why skincare products such as Aloe Vera are produced in an attempt to compensate for the reduction in collagen and elastin that your body produces as you get older.
Your environment and habits make a difference too
It has been shown that the more exposed you are to sunlight and air pollution the more vulnerable you are to facial sagging.
Other significant factors include lifestyle choices. If you are a smoker, for instance, this will often be responsible for a significant reduction in your skin collagen levels.
Consuming too much sugar in your diet is another factor that is known to suppress your collagen levels.
Exposing your body to sunlight is a tricky one. As we all need a certain amount of exposure but if you spend too much time in the sub it is likely to have a detrimental impact. The ultraviolet rays can break down collagen cells at a faster rate. Although this can produce more elastin in the short term the imbalance will contribute to wrinkles and sagginess in the long run.
What can you do to slow down the problem?
There are certain lifestyle changes that you can make to slow down the rate of decline and prevent your face from sagging for a bit longer.
This includes improving your diet, exercising regularly, and using some natural remedies, such as Aloe Vera, to help restore a degree of skin elasticity and slow down the rate of decline.
There is only so much you can do to prevent skin sagging without surgical intervention.
If you want to see positive results in next to no time it is likely that a treatment like botox will be best placed to offer that potential solution. Botox injections are very popular as a procedure to help tackle the problem of sagging skin as they can be targeted toward the most affected areas, such as your facial features.
Understanding what causes facial sagging can help you to take some natural steps to slow the rate of decline and you also have the popular option of getting an instant fix when you consider something like botox to improve your appearance.