Botulinum Toxin, commonly known as Botox, has been used for decades now as an injectable filler and wrinkle prevention treatment. It is bacterial in nature but is also a protein. It first became well known by the popularity it engendered by celebrities across the world, and in Canada. The usual usages were for the treatment and prevention of wrinkles, as it could plump out to some extent existing wrinkles.
It also could be used as a preventative for increased wrinkling of the skin as Botox freezes the facial muscles, thereby preventing the individual from frowning or otherwise overusing facial muscles to the point that the use of these muscles created wrinkles. Everyone has facial expressions of which they are unaware, and Botox alleviated the overuse of some facial muscles used. It is always an injectable, not a cream or lotion so guidelines on usage were quickly put in place.
For a short time, celebrities overused Botox and it fell out of favor.
Some celebrities continue to overuse this injectable filler in hopes of looking as young as possible. However, the public does not usually overdo the usage, and avoid what is called the “frozen face” look where the skin is so taught and the face so expressionless that the individual who overuses this injectable filler has a face that resembles a mask. Most that seek Botox injectable fillers are prudent and simply looking to avoid some wrinkling and gain some smoothing while avoiding overuse.
As early as 2011 both women and men in Canada embraced the notion of injectable fillers to keep wrinkles and sagging skin at bay. While there are other injectables available, Botox remains popular as the injectable uses a fine needle only into the upper layer of the facial skin, so it is a very non-intrusive procedure. It also can last quite a long time, although individual results will vary on many factors such as heredity, and lifestyle. Aging will always cause new wrinkling and the use of injectable Botox will continue to be needed to address this throughout life if an individual wants to stay youthful looking.
New usages have been developed in the past ten years.
Although Botox as an injectable filler for plumping sagging skin and reducing and smoothing wrinkling will always be popular, new uses have also been discovered. A surprising discovery was made concerning Botox injectables for the prevention of migraine headaches. Those that suffer from migraines know how debilitating these headaches are. Injected into certain spots of the forehead of migraine sufferers Botox somehow interrupts a chemical reaction in migraines, and blocks neurotransmitters that create migraines.
The exact reason why this occurs is yet under some study but the use of Botox for migraines is now common amongst medical practitioners in many countries, including Canada through the Health Canada branch of Government. While not a complete cure for migraines those that suffer from them do report less time off from work and less intense migraines, with fewer per month after having a Botox injectable filler. Less wrinkling will also occur on the forehead when using the injectable for migraines, as the forehead is where the application of Botox occurs when treating migraines. The cause and effect is not really known entirely yet.
Most recently, Botox usage has been expanding even more.
Some of the largest studies done have shown Botox injectables can assist with muscle spasms, hyperhidrosis (excess sweating), overactive bladder problems, and even lazy eye, where an eyelid droop is apparent no matter what age. Studies are showing effectiveness in all these areas, and the usage of Botox as an injectable filler just continues to expand into other areas of use.
Of course, the site of the injectable will be different in these cases, and all injectables like Botox need to be provided by a licensed and certified cosmetic doctor, or a licensed and certified aesthetician, or even in some provinces in Canada by a beautician or cosmetologist that is certified. Some provinces in Canada require a doctor be present in a building whenever any injectable fillers are used, including Botox.
Other provinces in Canada, do not require a doctor’s presence, but certification and training are needed before being able to use injectables. All injectables carry some risk of adverse reactions, and there is a method of injecting that must be learned before the Government of Canada will issue any licenses. The licensing is a requirement although each province is given the latitude it needs to decide who can be licensed and whether a doctor needs to be present.
There is no indication that Botox as an injectable filler usage will decrease.
More and more individuals each year in Canada seek Botox injectable fillers for everything from forehead lines, under eye bags, chin dimpling, sagging skin and other wrinkling and sagging issues. In addition, the average age of the individuals in Canada seeking Botox injection is decreasing with younger patients becoming more the norm. Staying as youthful looking as possible is becoming more important not less and wrinkles respond best when they are in their early stages, and not deeply ingrained into the tissues.
In addition, as mentioned previously, more doctors are now recommending Botox to their patients for all the other medical advantages it has in certain conditions. This list of uses continues to grow as Botox is studied more and more. Recovery time is non-existent although effects for both wrinkle prevention and other medical usages of Botox injectables can take up to two weeks to show full effect.
While not a cure all for aging or other medical conditions, Botox as an injectable filler for wrinkles and plumping will remain popular and the list of usages obviously will continue to grow. As with all injectables, it can cost some money, but many individuals find this money well spent. In addition, Botox is cheaper in Canada, per vial, and many citizens of the USA do seek out the injectable fillers in Canada to save money.