6 Effective Ways to Improve Skin Texture
When we want to improve skin texture, many of us look outward. From skin care trends to the endless amount of body creams and treatments available at any beauty store, it's clear that the quest for youthful, radiant skin is a popular one.
However, as with any part of your body, you'll find that it's much more effective to work from the inside out rather than the focusing only on the outside.
It's easy to forget, but your skin is actually an organ. In fact, it's the largest organ of the human body! Because of this, it's greatly affected by your habits, as well as your environment.
And while your skin naturally loses its luster as you age due to chemical and hormonal changes in your body, there are things you can do to ensure that your skin stays healthy and smooth.
To learn how to improve skin texture as well as few skin care tips and tricks, just keep reading.
1. Drink More Water
One of the best things we can do, not only for our skin but our entire body, is to drink water. Staying hydrated is a major key to health, so make water your best friend!
There's nothing wrong with a soda every now and then, but if you switch the majority of your daily drinks to water, you'll be amazed by how much better you look and feel.
Your ultimate goal should be to drink about an ounce of water per pound of body weight. However, if you're nowhere near that in a typical day, don't try to jump from two glasses of water a day to twelve. Increase your water intake little by little over time and you'll be much more likely to stick to your new habit.
2. Cleanse and Exfoliate
It's true that the majority of the battle for improving your body and face skin texture is going to be fought through healthy habits like water and exercise. That said, you do need to help it along.
Keeping your skin clean and exfoliated is a great way to see instant smoother, brighter skin. This is because it the removes dirt, grease, and dead skin cells that dull your skin throughout the day.
Now, be careful not to over-wash or exfoliate your skin, as you'll do more harm than good. Wash your body and face no more than twice a day and choose the right exfoliant for the part of your body that you're exfoliating.
For example, you can use a mild abrasive scrub on your feet and legs, but you should stick to an acidic body wash and a soft puff for more sensitive parts of your body. If you're unsure about the idea of acidic body wash, this article will tell you everything you need to know.
3. Protect Yourself From Sun
Nothing does quite as much damage to our skin as the sun. Unprotected sun exposure has a cumulative effect on your skin. The more you go without sun protection throughout your life, the faster it's going to catch up with you - and the worse the results are going to be in the end.
This doesn't mean you should never get out in the sun. Spending a few minutes a day outside is a great way to improve both your physical and mental health. But when you do get outside, it's important to wear at least SPF 30 sunscreen.
4. Improve Your Sleep
Pushing sleep to the bottom of the priority list is an all too common occurrence. It might feel as though sleep is a waste of time, but in truth, it's perhaps the best thing you can do for your body and your health.
Getting a healthy amount of sleep is essential when you want to learn how to get smooth skin. Because when you sleep, your body has much more energy available to spend on things like repair and recovery. It uses this energy to recover from the day-to-day stresses of life, bringing the fresh appearance back to your skin.
5. Focus on Diet
As we mentioned above, there's nothing wrong with the occasional treat. Moderation is the key to success in any health endeavor. However, the majority of your day should be filled with healthy habits, and one of the most important is diet.
What you use to fuel your body has a powerful effect on everything from your energy levels to the appearance of your skin. Fueling your body with whole, nutrient-dense foods will do wonders for your body, inside and out.
Do your best to fill the bulk of your diet with single-ingredient foods. This means plenty of fruits, vegetables, proteins, and healthy fats and carbs. To give your skin an extra boost, reach for foods high in vitamins A and C, as well as omega-3 fatty acids.
6. Get More Exercise
Believe it or not, exercise isn't only beneficial to your overall health and fitness, it improves the look and feel of your skin as well!
Remember, your skin is an organ, meaning you experience and increased blood volume pumped through the vessels of your skin during exercise. This blood carries micronutrients to your skin, healing and improving texture.
In addition, regular exercise reduces inflammation, regulates hormones, and prevents damage from free radicals.
Improve Skin Texture and Boost Your Confidence With These Tips
Although appearance isn't everything, the way we look can and often does have a major impact on how we feel about ourselves. Because of this, taking steps to improve skin texture can not only boost your appearance but your confidence as well.
Remember, skincare products are great, but the best way to improve the look and feel of your skin is to stay hydrated, healthy, and safe from the sun. Everything else should be extra!
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