If you’ve always needed help drawing straight lines, using a liquid eyeliner can be very tricky! However, if you’re game - we can help! Listed below are a few tips that will save you time and leave you looking glamorous, throughout the day.
Tip 1: Don’t Give Up
Mastering the technique of liquid eyeliner application can be a serious business and is not for the faint-hearted. You will be washing your face multiple times, and yes, your hands will shake. Moving on.
Tip 2: Rest Your Elbow
Most pros don’t give out this advice because they think it’s self-explanatory - it’s not. The only way you might get the cat-eye look (as a beginner) is if you rest your elbow on a flat surface and use your other hand to stretch your eyelid. Rest assured, your hands will not shake.
Tip 3: Make Friends with Dots & Dashes
Don’t scoff. You may need to start by applying tiny dots or dashes on your eyelids before heading straight into lines. Once the dots or dashes are in place - you can go ahead and connect them. If you’re a beginner, the best drugstore liquid eyeliner for you could be a marker, as it’s a lot easier to apply. However, marker or not, you might cause a few smudges, but Tip 4 will solve them.
Tip 4: Conceal Mistakes
Before you rush into washing your face or using more eyeliner to cover up your mess - try using a concealer, makeup remover, or petroleum jelly. If the smudge isn’t huge, just use some concealer to hide it. You can also use a cotton swab dipped in makeup remover to clean up the mess. However, the easiest thing you can do is to draw a rough line and use petroleum jelly to sharpen the edges. Easy does it!
Tip 5: Know The Effect
Applying eyeliner is one thing, but knowing the effect it will have is pro tip 101. Black is bold and always chic, but nothing says subtle and smoky than brown. If you haven’t slept and want your eyes to look bigger, apply white liner to your lower waterline. Since some of the best drugstore liquid eyeliner is now available in multiple shades, you can easily show off your trend by opting for blues, purples, and pinks. Also, don’t forget, the best remedy for hangover-eyes - a nude shade on the lower waterline.
Tip 6: Get Rid of Excess
Here’s another ‘not so popular’ advice for you - use a tissue to remove excess liquid. That’s right. If you have a lot of liquid on your applicator, you may easily smudge. Either take out very little product or dap it away. Once again, it's easier for beginners if they start with a liquid eyeliner that comes in the shape of a marker.
Tip 7: Keep At It
You won’t get it right, the first-time. You may not get it right the second time either. However, if you stick with it, you will manage a good enough line that gets better over time. After all, it’s the one tip that you should never get rid of!