Women have come a long way over recent decades, and now we’re working harder than ever. Full-time jobs, raising kids, maintaining relationships, managing households, taking care of our health… The list goes on and on!
Even if it feels like you’re expected to be a superwoman and hold it all on your shoulders, the stress can be a bit too much sometimes, and developing healthy coping mechanisms is critical.
Here are four techniques to help you stay on top of your stress instead of letting it overwhelm you.
Prioritize Self-Care
Believe it or not, self-care is more than just hot bubble baths and face masks on a Sunday night. In fact, real self-care can often feel the opposite of indulgent.
Really taking good care of your mental and physical health is one of the pillars of managing your stress and staying on top of everything in your life. Prioritizing making the time to exercise regularly, prepare nutritious meals, and make the time to decompress or engage in a hobby you enjoy is essential. If you aren’t caring for your mind and body, you’ll be less capable of doing all the other important stuff on your to-do list.
Organize and Plan Ahead
There’s a lot to be said for having a go-to planner and a system for organizing and managing your life. It might sound like something you don’t have time for, but it will certainly assist you in remembering all those things that need to get done in a week and finding the time to do them all.
Sitting down for 15 minutes at the beginning or end of your week with a calendar and a to-do list is a simple task that can take a massive weight off of your shoulders. It’s important to get all your tasks (both work-related and personal) out of your head and onto paper. Whether you use a pen and paper or an app to organize your thoughts, planning will help you stay ahead and keep breathing.
Learn to Say No
We know that you feel like you’re capable of doing it all, and you probably are! But that doesn’t mean you should. Setting boundaries is another essential step in making sure you can manage your stress instead of being ruled by it.
It’s tough to turn down opportunities, but the next time one comes your way, try to think logically and plan ahead before leaping into a “yes.” Instead, look at your calendar, your future plans, and your current workload and really think about whether it’s something you have the time and energy to take on. Saying “no” doesn’t make you a bad employee, friend, or family member.
Practice Mindfulness and Relaxation Techniques
Even when you’re working hard to balance it all, stay organized, and make time for yourself, it can still get a bit too much at times.
In moments when you feel overwhelmed, it’s always a good idea to step away and be mindful. Trying out a breathing exercise, meditation, or even journaling out your feelings can be great ways to ride that wave of stress and bring yourself back to a state of calm.