Good dental health is essential for a beautiful, healthy smile. Being careful of your diet is an important part of your oral health, especially if you value your smile. Some foods, such as coffee and red wine, can stain your teeth, making your smile appear darker. While teeth whitening methods are available, they do not protect your teeth from exposure to unhealthy food choices. Stains can be cleaned, but cavities can't be magically removed! The bottom line: If you want a beautiful smile, you need to make sure you can create a health-focused dental routine, including a tooth-friendly diet, regular dental appointments, and brushing and flossing. 

However, even if you follow all the best practices for dental care, there are still a few surprising things that could ruin your smile. We will explore 3 surprising things that can ruin your smile, even if you have good dental health, and how to tackle them.

Missing Teeth from an Accident

Did you know that according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, approximately 2.35 million individuals are injured in a car crash in the United States every year? Car accidents can occur for a variety of reasons, such as losing control of the vehicle in bad weather or not paying attention to the road. Injuries to the jaw or extreme shock to the teeth can result in broken or missing teeth. 

Without the presence of the tooth, adjacent teeth may start to shift, causing bite problems and changes to your bite pattern. You may also find that your remaining teeth become subject to increased wear and tear. Without the presence of the tooth root, the jawbone in the area where the missing tooth is located may deteriorate over time, leading to further gum recession and tooth loss. Fortunately, dental implants can be used to replace missing teeth and restore the full function of your bite and smile. These implants help prevent further bone loss in the area of the missing tooth and also stop adjacent teeth from shifting out of place. 

Receding Gums from Excessive Brushing

Brushing your teeth is essential for maintaining a healthy and beautiful smile. Unfortunately, hard brushing can have a detrimental effect on your dental health and lead to receding gums. When you brush too hard or with a hard-bristled toothbrush, it can wear down the enamel on your teeth and cause your gums to recede over time. This exposes the roots of your teeth, making them more vulnerable to decay. Your dentist may recommend a deep cleaning or a gum graft procedure to help restore your gums. You should also make sure you are using the right type of floss and brushing correctly in order to avoid further damage. 

Tooth Grinding from Stress

Tooth grinding usually occurs during sleep and is often caused by stress or anxiety. This can lead to serious damage to the teeth, including enamel erosion and chips, as well as issues with the temporomandibular joint (TMJ).

There are also a few other steps you can take to help reduce the effects of tooth grinding: 

  • Wear a mouthguard at night. 

  • Avoid caffeine and alcohol close to bedtime. 

  • Practice relaxation techniques like yoga or meditation before bedtime. 

There's more to dental health than meets the eye. It is essential to understand the different risk factors so you can better protect your teeth in the future. 

AuthorCarla Snuggs