It's a very big deal to get ready to become a parent. Thinking that you're having a baby and then adjusting your life around said baby takes some time. Getting ready to become parents together as a couple where you have only had to ever concentrate on yourself is also important. you have to work together to make sure that this is going to be a positive step in your lives. 

Remember, just because one of you is carrying the baby doesn't mean the other one is not involved! There are so many things to do that you have to consider before you go ahead and have a baby, and websites like this one can really help. What else should you be doing to get ready? 

  • Sit down and have a conversation. If you have a partner who you are in love with and you are happy with, you need to talk to them about pregnancy and parenting before you get pregnant. We cannot stress enough how important it is to understand your opinions on circumcision, religion, schooling, politics, piercings and who shares which load. So many mothers end up resentful of the fathers of their children because their fathers don't lift a finger after the baby is born. If you are partnered to somebody who believes that women should do all The Dirty work, you should hold off having a child.

  • Look at your current birth control. If you've had the conversation about having a baby and you are both on the same page, then the next thing to do is stop your birth control. It can take some time to take your body out of the cycles of hormonal contraception such as the pill, implant or patch. If you have a coilin, you'll need to speak to your doctor about getting the birth control that you are using removed. You want to wait a few months before you dive straight into trying for a child so that your body can get used to not having those hormones in it anymore. It also gives you a chance to see whether your cycle has been affected by the additional hormones over a period of time.

  • Cut back on those bad habits. Drinking, smoking, recreational drugs, all of those are a thing of the past when you are trying for a baby for both of you. You could kill the sperm if you are drinking or smoking it away, and women will find a very inhospitable environment in their wombs and a baby will not want to reside in there if you are smoking. It's good to get into those habits as early as possible as a couple because then when it comes to finding out you are pregnant with the child you will be able to carry that pregnancy to term, and you'll have a healthier outcome.

AuthorCarla Snuggs