Let’s face it, we’ve tried many weight loss diet, but most of them triggers us to crave and sneak for food. Why is that so?
You’re only eating a low-carb diet without considering other essential nutrients. You think that if you eat fewer calories, you will lose weight. However, it’s not always the case. For expert advice on balanced meal planning and weight loss strategies, you can consider consulting at PRIME Nutrition St. Louis. The professionals can help tailor your diet to your specific needs and goals.
Aside from sticking to your low-calorie diet, why not incorporate other food that is low in calories but high in fiber? The healthy foods we’re referring to are vegetables, so how does eating more vegetables promote weight loss? Let’s find the answer below.
How Veggies Help You Lose Weight?
Eating vegetables and fruits and lean meats makes a healthy way of losing weight. Moreover, it can lessen the risk of some types of cancer and other diseases. They are also loaded with the essential vitamins, minerals, and other substances that can improve overall health. If you are having a particularly hard time with losing weight even when eating vegetables, consider inquiring about gastric sleeve cost in the UK.
However, eating healthy doesn’t necessarily mean cutting down on food or eating less. Instead, you create low-calorie foods by substituting your favorite dish with low-calorie vegetables and fruits in place of ingredients that have more calories to avoid calorie deficit.
Vegetables are rich in dietary fiber that can add up to the volume of the dishes, so you can still eat the same amount of food with very few calories. The insoluble fiber from vegetables helps in healthy weight loss because they move through the digestive tract slowly, keeping you full longer and promoting a healthy gut. It also improves metabolic health and helps suppress the appetite throughout the day, making it easier to eat less food.
However, keep in mind to substitute it instead of adding it to what you usually eat. Since vegetables still contain some calories, and if you start increasing your vegetable intake and the food you usually eat, you are just putting up more calories, leading to weight gain.
Substitute higher calorie food with fruits and vegetables. In addition, here are some tips to make vegetables a part of your healthy weekly meal plan.
Eat vegetables in low-fat cooking techniques
Try steaming your vegetables, and to add flavor use low calorie or low-fat dressing or herbs and spices. Some cooking techniques, such as frying or high-fat dressing, can increase the calories and fat.
Canned or frozen vegetables are good alternatives
If you’re in a place where you can’t access fresh produce, you may opt for frozen or canned vegetables. They can be as nutritious as the fresh varieties. However, ensure not to choose those with added syrup, sugar, saturated fat, or other ingredients that can add calories.
Probably by now, you’re convinced to eat your veggies, so here are the healthiest vegetables you can incorporate into your weight loss journey.
The Best Vegetables For Weight Loss
Here are the best vegetables to eat for weight loss that are fat burning and nutrient-dense:
Broccolis are cruciferous vegetables that are considered one of the best fruits and vegetables for weight loss. It is loaded with health benefits, such as lower blood pressure and preventing cancer and other chronic diseases. When it comes to weight loss, a cup of broccoli contains 5 grams of dietary fiber and 3.5 grams of protein. It’s also high in Vitamin C, and K. Broccoli is delicious when sauteed in olive oil, salt, and pepper.
Spinach is one of the leafy green vegetables versatile to use in all types of recipes. It has a milder texture and taste than kale, which makes it more appealing to people. Raw spinach contains 7 calories and 0.7 grams of fiber per cup that helps build muscle mass and reduce belly fat.
The easiest and healthiest recipe from Kathy Shattler, RDN is to mix it with salad, smoothie, or puree with a sauce of your choice (i.e. tomato sauce), then add it to your pasta dishes.
Another leafy green is kale, which helps burn fat and prevent weight loss. It contains magnesium and vitamins that support metabolism and protects the immune system. A cup of raw kale contains 7 calories, which means even if you eat 4 to 5 cups of kale, it’s still under 50 calories.
Since these veggies are low in carbohydrates, an individual can lose weight quickly. Adding a blanch or cooked spinach to your diet can help you burn fat quickly.
Brussels sprouts
These cruciferous vegetables are loaded with dietary fiber to help you feel full for a more extended period. They are a good source of protein, Vitamin C, Vitamin K, and other minerals that help reduce the risk of certain cancers and heart disease.
They are very low in calories but can make you feel less hungry after eating them. A cup of this vegetable provides 38 calories, 4 grams of dietary fiber, 4 grams of protein, and 0 grams of fat.
This vegetable is loaded with Vitamin A and beta carotene, which helps in lowering the blood sugar level. They are low in calories, which makes them ideal for weight loss. Moreover, it contains more fiber that helps get rid of body fat.
You can use raw carrots to blend them into a smoothie, stir-fry them, and then add them to dishes. They can also be eaten raw, as they are effective in burning fat.
Spaghetti squash
Spaghetti squash is low in calories but high in fiber, making it a healthy option for losing weight. It only has 42 calories per cup, making it a great low-calorie alternative in recipes such as lasagna, casseroles, and other pasta dishes.
Another type of squash that you can incorporate into your weight loss diet is the summer squash or yellow squash. It is rich in vitamins and minerals that are beneficial for your health and help you burn unwanted belly fat.
On the other hand, here are the vegetables you should avoid:
Sweet potatoes
These starchy vegetables are always made into mashed potatoes for snacks. However, these root vegetables contain 249 calories, and excessive portions can lead to weight gain. Individuals who have diabetes should avoid eating it.
Green peas
Other starchy vegetables include green peas. It can also contribute to increased blood sugar levels and increased hunger.
Remember that eating leafy greens isn’t a quick solution for weight loss and getting rid of stubborn belly fat. Effective weight loss takes a combination of a balanced diet and exercise, as emphasized in Healthcanal.com/life-style-fitness/best-fat-burner.
In addition, you can also add fruits to your diets, such as apples, a great source of fiber, mangoes, which boost the metabolism, and avocados that contain healthy fats.
As the saying goes, “A healthy life is a happy life.” Knowing the best fruits and vegetables for weight loss will help you begin your journey towards achieving your ideal weight and healthy lifestyle. Include these vegetables in your diet plus exercise, and wait for its magic to work.