In 2017, tummy tucks were one of the top 5 plastic surgery procedures performed.
Tummy tucks, also referred to as an abdominoplasty, produce tight, flat tummies. Incisions are made along the bikini line, and excess fat is removed from the body. The abdominal muscles are then tightened.
The procedure ends with a tightening of the skin and closure of the incisions. Those who undergo a tummy tuck will notice a much leaner and tightened appearance after healing.
Besides obvious cosmetic benefits, a tummy tuck helps with many other things. Keep reading to discover 5 surprising benefits of this procedure.
1. Improved Posture
Weak abdominal muscles result in poor posture.
Because your abdominals are tightened during a tummy tuck surgery, you'll experience improved posture after healing. This will alleviate back pain and discomfort.
To further help yourself and your posture, try doing core strengthening exercises every day. This will keep your abs in shape.
2. Better Fitting Clothes
Our closets contain tons of clothes that don't fit just the way we want them to. We become frustrated and end up buying clothes entirely too big for us. Where is the middle ground?
After getting past your tummy tuck recovery time, you'll be able to start wearing form-fitting clothes again in peace. You won't be tugging on them to cover loose skin and small areas of flab.
Your confidence will skyrocket as you step out into public with your slim jeans.
3. Reduction of SUI
Stress urinary inconsistency occurs if there's too much pressure on your urethra and bladder. Those struggling with SUI may notice accidental leakage when laughing, exercising, or sneezing.
Tummy tuck surgeries can reduce the chance of SUI, especially for women who have given birth. Chat with a doctor if you're struggling with leakage.
4. Reduction of Extra Skin
There are many individuals who struggle with excess skin after extreme weight loss or giving birth. This excess skin not only can damage someone's confidence, but it can also become annoying when trying to exercise and stretch.
Because excess skin is removed, you'll find activities such as yoga to be much more comfortable.
5. Corrections of Ventral Hernias
When the intestinal or abdominal tissue pushes through the abdominal wall, a hernia is created. These sacks might develop after extreme weight loss or an appendectomy.
A tummy tuck surgery addresses weak ab muscles. Therefore, it can help correct ventral hernias.
If this is something you struggle with, look into tummy tuck options, such as a tummy tuck surgery at Associates in Plastic Surgery.
Discover the Surprise Benefits of a Tummy Tuck
A tummy tuck is great if you want a boost in your confidence. Not only do they provide awesome cosmetic results, but they also provide other surprising benefits mentioned above.
Tummy tucks get rid of excess skin so you'll feel more comfortable in tighter clothing and as you workout. They also help improve posture and correct ventral hernias.
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