In the past, there has been a deluge of statistics that establish the positive impact that corporate wellness programs have on a company’s bottom line. Almost 80% of large companies in the United States have integrated wellness at work initiatives now.
Here in Australia, corporate wellness has grown consistently as well. It would be fair to assume that some of the world’s smartest people wouldn’t jump onto a bandwagon without due diligence in place.
Despite this, there’s still a lack of understanding of how to employ a holistic approach towards wellness at work. Sure, there’s a lot of chatter about measurable results, quantifiable parameters and gamified apps. But in the end, it all boils down to how happy and productive an employee really is. But in the end, it all boils down to how happy and productive an employee really is. For new hires, why not onboard them with the ideas from Swag Bar.
If wellness at work initiatives are not yielding the kind of results that they should, then here are four ideas to consider.
#1 – Consider redoing the workspace
Humans were meant to walk, forage, breathe the air and bask in the sun. Instead, modern day careers force us to stay locked indoors in front of a computer screen, which affects our mind and bodies in unfathomable ways. Believe it or not, air quality indoors can be up to five times more polluted than the air outdoors. We are essentially breathing recirculated air which is a mixture of carbon-dioxide, toxic fumes emanating from paints, cleaners, sealants, computers and what not, humidification and the occasional cough, that sends out a spray of bacteria and sometimes, viruses.
How about redoing the space to make it healthier? Open workspaces, balconies, indoor plants and the use of eco-friendly cleaning agents are just some of the ways in which you can make the workplace a more cheerful space.
#2 – Revisit your current wellness partner
As clichéd as it sounds, not all wellness partners are cut from the same cloth. With the sudden surge in demand for wellness at work initiatives, there has been an increase in therapy puppies that offer cookie-cutter solutions.
Off-the-shelf solutions rarely work. Personalized ones do. Happy Melon Australia offers personalized wellness at work solutions for companies, large and small. They offer a wide range of wellness programs that use a holistic, wholesome approach towards every employee’s happiness and well-being.
#3 – Encourage the workforce to move
We have all heard that sitting is the new smoking. Not only does it lead to postural problems and other physical illnesses, it may also contribute to anxiety and depression.
The solution is as simple as encouraging employees to take mindfulness breaks, such as the ones offered by Happy Melon, in your office. There are more ways, some more creative than the rest.
How about making it a mandate to take a short walk every hour? Maybe encourage the workforce to use the stairs instead of using the elevator. Incorporate 5-burpees in the morning meetings.
#4 – Modulate an in-office yoga studio
Even a ten-minute break to do Yoga can do wonders with spinal health, flexibility and mental health.
How about modulating an in-office yoga studio? Remember, the idea is to create the perfect workplace setting that allows an employee to feel happy, cheerful and more productive. With the right wellness at work partner, these should be reasonably easy to execute.