One of the deepest mistakes you can make as a person is seeking your love (self-love) from another person. In all that you do, or what you are, no one should ever love you more than YOU.
Self-esteem is simply having; a deep love, utmost respect, and confidence in your person. Self-esteem is of great and invaluable physiological benefits to us as humans.
How you boost your self-esteem
Having a high Self-esteem will increase your productivity, you move around with a strong aura, you impact those around you and a thousand other subtle effects.
Believe me, Self Esteem is the biggest step to self-discovery.
Start by doing little things
Pay attention to little things like saying “Thank you”, doing the dishes, constantly wearing a smile (no matter how weird), and a million others. Doing these make us feel good and in control, plus if we succeed in small things like this, we will get more confident doing bigger things.
Stay with positive people
The lion itself has to move with its kind. The wrong group of friends or social circles can do a lot to your self-esteem. You should eschew every person or situation that doesn’t make you feel confident like a toxic work environment, a horrible boss, condescending acquaintances, plus destructive activities.
Tackle your demons
Our demons are not necessarily misshapen beasts, they could be some irrational fears like: talking to people (I used to be like that), taking a test, fearing a change, and not asking for that raise you deserve, and more. The more these fears are left to grow, the more you lose yourself.
Identify your objectives and priorities
Your tastes, goals, and needs don't have to be the same with anyone else. Most people do not define their goals, and this leads to misplaced priorities. If you do not set a clear path for yourself, you will continue to chase the successes of others which will dampen your self-esteem and lead you farther from your dreams.
Treat failure as a colleague and look to him for advice
We have a lot to learn from failure than we will ever learn from success like Bill Gates said: "Success is a lousy teacher”. You should treat failures with a positive outlook; learn from them, study your failures, prepare for them, but never give in to it. This way, you will always grow in confidence and positivity. Read more about self-esteem at
Wrap Up
The simple reason why you are not where you want to be today, why you have set a low standard, and why you are not with that amazing person is because of your self-esteem. Maxwell Maltz puts it better: “Low self-esteem is like driving through life with your hand brakes on.”
So, step on the gas pedal and throttle your way through the highway of life.