In our modern-day, hustle and bustle lifestyles, it is more difficult than ever to take care of ourselves. From tempting and unhealthy food choices to the realities of sedentary 9-to-5 jobs that cripple our activity levels, finding time and methods for efficient, healthy living is increasingly challenging. As a result, more people find it nearly impossible to do right by their bodies – and as a result, suffer in the process.
With this combination of lifestyle factors, more people than ever feel lethargic, despondent and sluggish. Feeling like this makes it difficult to make time for the activities we both enjoy and need in order to be healthy. Fortunately, a few simple alterations to our day-to-day lifestyles can dramatically improve our energy levels and abilities.
Continue reading to learn about 5 tips that’ll improve your day-to-day energy levels via diet and exercise.
Prioritize Hydration
Did you know that 75 percent of Americans are chronically dehydrated? That simple statistic may shock you - after all, proper hydration is more critical to health, wellbeing and survival than anything else (including nutrition itself). Despite this epidemic, most people find it inconvenient to address the situation. But the solutions are relatively simple.
In general, most people require 60 to 80 fluid ounces of water per day (minus any substances that may cause diuretic effects, such as sugar and caffeine). Given that the average person is awake for anywhere from 15 to 18 hours per day, this translates to roughly 3 to 5 ounces of water that should be consumed during each waking hour. Achieving this goal is quite simple when broken down into segments - be sure to drink at least a bit of water every hour and always drink when feeling thirsty. One of the leading causes of fatigue and sluggishness is a lack of proper hydration.
Eat Healthy, Simply and Affordably
Our modern diets are – quite simply – a total mess. From processed sugars to gluttonous fast-food options, temptations for poor food choices lurk around every corner. Despite what many people think, there is no quick and easy fix to improving your physical wellbeing through food alone. As one example, many health advocates promote the use of detox diets, which have virtually no benefit (the truth about juice cleanses may shock you).
Fortunately, a shift from expensive, processed food toward low-cost, simple and healthy food choices can have a major impact on energy. Items such as eggs, bananas, almonds, oats and leafy greens all have vital nutrients and caloric values that boost overall health (including beating that feeling of sluggishness). Some of the best foods for day-to-day activity are also among the simplest and cheapest, so there’s virtually no excuse not to embrace them.
Eliminate Imbalanced and Unhealthy Substances
The sheer number of people who consume a variety of substances that have no nutritional value and are simultaneously harmful to the body is astounding. From tobacco and alcohol use to caffeine consumption, a majority of people report consuming one or more detrimental substances or ingredients that directly lead to sustained levels of fatigue and lethargy.
Despite some of these components providing a “quick fix” or pick-me-up, the resulting effects ultimately leave individuals feeling worse than they would have otherwise without using them. As such, ditch any bad habits, substance abuse regimens, or even that morning cup of coffee. After a short time, you’ll feel better and more energetic.
Find Productive Outlets for Stress
The sheer level of inflexibility and broader commitments in modern life can lead to a lot of mental and physical strain on the average person. Many people have unique ways in which they respond to stress, but those who resort to food or a variety of bad habits can do more damage in the process.
Arguably, the healthiest form of stress relief is exercise. Some of the immediate benefits to exercise include stress relief and anxiety reduction, but it also can lead to higher energy levels and a more regulated sleep cycle. All of these elements ultimately result in one common denominator - a more energetic you. Seek out exercise wherever possible and ensure that sluggishness has no home in your body!
Find Excuses to Be Active
Throughout each and every day, the number of opportunities where we can be active is substantial – even if we don’t realize it. Whether it is while at home or at work, taking brief periods of time to stand up, move about and otherwise be active (even in a nominal capacity) ensures that our bodies are exerting themselves in a more natural fashion.
It might seem counterintuitive, but sitting for prolonged periods or otherwise being inactive can actually increase the feeling of being tired or sluggish (giving a new meaning to the phrase “a body that is at rest stays at rest”). Find any and all opportunities to move and be active throughout the day – even if it’s only for a minute or two – as yet another way to combat any fatigue-related feelings.
Just because you feel sluggish, doesn’t mean that you have to accept it. Through a few simple alterations involving diet and exercise, your natural energy levels can improve and you can feel better than ever!