The term ‘holistic’ infers the use of natural remedies and techniques, which may differ from traditional methods. A holistic dentist is against the use of fluoride in principle, which most dentists think is a substance that fights tooth decay, according to this dentist within San Ramon. There is a debate as to whether fluoride has negative effects on a person, and some people believe that ingesting fluoride in any form affects the pineal gland, which is said to be concerned with the spiritual side of a person’s brain, although there is no hard evidence to support this theory.
Against The Use Of Mercury
Traditional tooth fillings are called amalgam fillings, which do contain mercury, and a holistic dentist would never recommend to have amalgam fillings inserted, preferring a composite filling. If you already have amalgam fillings in your mouth, these can be safely removed and replaced with composite fillings, yet the act of removal can present a danger in itself, so make sure the dentist is capable of removing the fillings safely.
Many Brisbane dentists adopt the holistic approach. If you would like to register with a Brisbane-based holistic dentist, a Google search will help you locate a nearby clinic.
Taking A Whole Body Approach
The term ‘holistic’ means taking a whole body approach, and the holistic dentist believes that there is a connection between oral and general health, and this connection is something that needs to be recognised. When possible, the holistic dentist would favour non-surgical procedures, as in some cases of gum disease, while they also believe that root canal treatment could be responsible for spreading harmful bacteria to other areas of the body. Holistic dentists will only use X-Rays if they really have to, as they believe that these rays can be harmful to the body in ways we do not fully understand.
Core Principles Of Holistic Dentistry
The following are generally recognised as being the core principles of holistic dentistry:
Correct nutrition can treat degenerative gum disease
Avoiding the use of toxic materials in dental procedures
Gum disease should be treated in a biological manner
The field of holistic dentistry can be interpreted in many different ways, which means that not all holistic dentists agree on specific areas of their profession. Holistic dentists will always look for natural solutions and remedies, rather than turning to chemicals and drugs, which traditional dentistry favours.
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It is no secret that X-Rays emit radiation and this is believed to be a root cause of some cancers, which is why a holistic dentist would be against the use of X-Rays, unless it was absolutely necessary, and when they do, they prefer using machines that emit much less radiation than normal X-Ray machinery.
While there is no hard and fast evidence that holistic dentistry is correct in its assumptions, the general trend in medicine is to return to natural remedies, and adopting a holistic approach to dental treatment does make a lot of sense.
Generally speaking, the holistic dentist will be slightly more expensive than a traditional practitioner, as it is viewed as a specialist sector.