If you’ve ever gone out in public with even the slightest hangover, you know you didn’t look your best. Maybe there were bags under your eyes, you threw your knotted hair up in a bun, or you made a quick trip to the store for Gatorade in sweatpants. Hangover days certainly aren’t when we look or feel our best, but if you’re like me, and you often have to work or run your kids around after a night of indulging, you certainly wish you could awaken feeling a bit more fresh.
I’m not going to lie. I’m a hangover sufferer. Even after two glasses of wine with dinner, I wake up with brain fog, bloodshot eyes, and a headache that requires four doses of ibuprofen to relieve. However, a hangover is never a legitimate excuse for me to skip work or miss my son’s Saturday football game. So, not wanting to give up my favorite Pinot Noir with my husband after a long day of work, I set out to find a hangover cure that would actually work.
What I Found
I’ve searched for hangover cures in the past, and I always found the same results. A bloody mary, two ibuprofen and a glass of water, electrolyte mixes. I’ve tried them all, and none of them did anything. Sure, my headache would subside for an hour or two with an ibuprofen, but my stomach was often too upset to choke one down, let alone a bloody mary.
That’s when I came across something different -- a hangover cure that you took before you even started drinking. The supplement was called Over EZ, and it claimed that combatting your hangover was only possible if you started fighting it before you even had your first drink. This was an entirely new option for me, and one that sounded like it could actually do something for the disastrous way I generally look and feel after drinking.
I’m a skeptic, so I ordered the smallest pack they offer, eight doses of the pill for $22.95. The website stated that eight pills would stop eight hangovers. A lofty claim, but I was willing to try.
What’s In It
Over EZ from EZ Lifestyle is an is an all-natural pill packed with vitamins and minerals that are said to complete dissolve the symptoms of a hangover. The No. 1, ingredient, L-cysteine, is said to boost levels of glutathione, which breaks down hangover-causing acetaldehyde. Other natural ingredients, like milk thistle and chicory root, promote superior digestion and liver function.
A strong vitamin B and C complex is also included to replace the vitamins depleted by alcohol. Magnesium, zinc and the additional vitamins and minerals included in each pill are part of what is supposed to make you feel normal, or even better than normal, the next day.
What Happened
I took the Over EZ supplement with my husband 15 minutes before our first glass of wine. I think we were a bit excited about the idea of zero hangover, so we drank four glasses each, which is one or two more than a normal evening. We went to bed with a bit of wine buzz, assuming we’d still have to pay the consequences the next day.
Waking up the next morning was interesting. We awoke at the same hour we usually would on a week day, around 6:30 a.m. However, neither of us wanted to hit the snooze button like we normally would after that much wine. We both seemed a bit surprised by how we felt. No headache, no nausea, no desire to immediately drink a gallon of water.
We both admitted that we felt a little bit foggy for about 30 minutes after awakening, but that seemed to subside quickly too. We made coffee, showered, and the morning felt surprisingly similar to if we hadn’t had any wine at all. I even took time to do my hair and makeup, which I would normally avoid with a hair tie and a bit of concealer on any other hangover day.
The Results
My husband and I both agreed that the Over EZ supplement worked for us, especially because we’re both hangover sufferers. I assume, like all supplements, the results aren’t the same for everyone. But if you suffer from hangovers that leave you looking and feeling under the weather the following day, I suggest trying the pill for yourself. I know I’ll be ordering a pack of at least 12 next time.