Whether it be that one annoying colleague, a pile of papers on your desk or an overbearing boss, there are plenty of reasons find themselves stressed out at work. Apart from having to deal and cope with that stress on a daily basis, managing it can be even more difficult.
The job search was already a big step and it can seem unfair that the work itself seems just as hard. Taking control of your stress can be a tall task for just about anyone.
So, how do you go about managing your stress in the workplace? It is definitely something that takes time, a strong will and focus. Below are some ideas and tips on how you can go about managing your day and easing your way to a stress free work life.
Realize You’re Not Alone
From the outside, your colleagues may look perfectly cool and calm. The only thing that could possibly bother them during their day is if an alien army would to land outside and start attacking the building.
Nearly 40% of workers say their job ranges from very stressful to extremely stressful while 25% say that work is the top stress in their lives. So don’t feel bad about being stressed out, chances are many of your coworkers are struggling with the same issues. It’s perfectly normal to experience stress throughout your workday.
If you feel that you are constantly stressed to the max, it may be time to consider a different place of employment. It could be the environment instead of the actual work.
Start Out on the Right Foot
One of the best ways to start a stress-free day is to well, start your day stress-free. While you may have lots of things going on in the morning, it’s important to try and start your day off on the right foot.
That could be a little bit of meditation, eating a healthy breakfast or doing a fun activity before heading off to work is a great way to have you in a good mood early in the day. Even if you’re not a morning person, you may have to make a little bit more effort but you can certainly do it.
Keep Yourself Organized
Have you ever had one of those moments where you’re already late for dinner or a movie and you can’t find your keys? You swear you left them on the dresser, but they’re not there. They’re not anywhere. As each ticking second reminds you you’re going to be late, you get more and more flustered.
Unsurprisingly, the same situation can greatly affect workplace stress every day. Disorganization is one of the leading causes of stress and it can make a day go from bad to worse.
Even if you consider yourself a disorganized person and someone that thrives in chaos, it may be worth investing a little harder in your organizational abilities. Start making yourself a daily schedule or set aside a planner.
Write down the things you have to do with various levels of importance to make sure you stay on task. Make a list of things you have to do for the holiday party instead of keeping a list in your head.
Make Boundaries
When you boss asks you to take on more responsibilities at work, that’s usually a good sign. That could lead to a promotion or raise in the future.
But there comes a point when you may be going too far over your boundaries. Saying yes to one thing has led you down a rabbit hole and you’ve suddenly realized you’ve been off way more than you can chew.
Making those boundaries could be anything from talking with your supervisor more before agreeing to jump on a project or making sure you’ve turned off your email and work cell phone after 5 P.M.
Find Support
Remember point number one, you’re not alone? Now is a great time to try and find some support with your workplace stress and issues. It could be someone from the office, a friend or family member.
You don’t always have to go to them looking for the perfect solution to your problem, but sometimes it just feels good to talk about whatever is bothering you at work. You can use those moments as your outlet for stress. It can always be a great way to just get something off of your chest.