When it comes to keeping our teeth shining white, it mainly comes down to our diet and the food and drinks that we consume. With some food and drinks, no matter how well you brush your teeth, they can still stain them. If you are worried about how white your teeth are, below are some of the things you should avoid, or moderate your intake.
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Extrinsic Stains
The first type of stain which changes the colour of your teeth is an extrinsic stain which affects the surface of the teeth. With this type of stain, it is caused by the leftover residue of food and drinks which builds up and covers the tooth enamel. There are many substances which we consume that can cause this such as;
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Other dark coloured foods
With regular brushing of your teeth, especially after consuming something that stains your teeth, you can help to reduce the staining has. However, with excessive consumption, you may need to look for Sydney teeth whitening if you still wish to enjoy your red wine and have a fantastic bright and shiny smile.
Intrinsic Stains
The second type of stain which affects our teeth is an intrinsic stain. Similar food and drinks cause these types of stains the same as extrinsic stains; however, these stains are below the surface of the tooth. The residue works through the surface of the tooth and then build up in the enamel, altering the colour. Intrinsic stains are still treatable, but you may require the professional services of a dentist to bleach or laser treat your teeth to bring back your shiny white smile. If you need a recommendation, be sure to visit https://sunshinestatedentistry.com/ to book your dental appointment.
The Unavoidable
As much as you may watch what you eat and drink and take excellent care of your teeth, there is one thing that can change the colour of our teeth that is unavoidable, and that is ageing. As we get older the dentin in the teeth becomes yellow, and with both intrinsic and extrinsic stains over the years, these can significantly dull your smile.
Keeping Your Smile Shining White
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Although your teeth will naturally discolour over time and it is unavoidable, we can have some control over how much the colour can change. Eating a healthy diet and avoiding food and drinks that discolour our teeth as much as we can would go a long way in keeping them as white as possible. Avoid smoking as this has a significant effect on the colour of your teeth. If it is not possible to brush your teeth directly after eating or drinking, make sure to thoroughly rinse your mouth with water to remove as much residue as possible. There are also home treatments that you can use to bleach your teeth and help keep them beautiful and white, or you could also visit your dentist and ask them about the procedures that they offer. With little care and excellent oral hygiene, you can maintain the brightness of your smile.