Do you find yourself struggling with frizzy hair every day? Are you constantly annoyed with hairs curling and standing up on their own? When you have frizzy and unruly hair, it’s a sign of damage or poor hair health.
Frizzy hair happens when the individual fibers run in multiple directions, making the hair look rough. Frizzy hair can be troublesome for those who have thick and curly hair. You develop frizzy hair when the hair’s cuticle layer is damaged, allowing moisture to pass through and swell the hair strands.
The hair cuticle is important because it protects the hair's innermost layers to keep the moisture intact. You can find many anti-frizz products in the market, but getting to the bottom of why you have frizzy hair should be your priority.
Causes of Frizzy Hair
It’s important to understand the cause of why you have unruly hair. There are two main causes of frizzy hair:
1. Damage
You may not know it, but you may be damaging your hair with your daily routine. Here are some unhealthy hair practices that cause damage:
Styling your hair with hot tools everyday causes breakage in the cuticle. Aside from that, using a hot tool strips your hair of its natural moisture, which leads to frizz.
Washing your hair with shampoo every day causes your hair to lose its natural oils and moisture. Drying your hair roughly with a towel draws out the moisture in your hair quickly. For those who have thick curly hair, drying it roughly will cause clumps and deformed curls, which leads to frizz.
Bathing in hot water strips your hair of its natural oils which help it keep moisturized throughout the day.
2. Humidity
Your hair may be frizzy because of the humid environment. In a humid environment, moisture penetrates the hair and is absorbed in the inner layer. This causes the proteins in your hair to swell, causing the hair shaft to twist and bend in an unruly pattern.
How To Take Care Of Your Hair Properly
If you have unruly and rough hair, it’s the best time to start evaluating your hair care regimen. Here are some things you should do differently to achieve a healthy-looking, frizz-free shiny hair:
Consider Doing Salon Hot Oil Treatments
There are simple hot oil treatments you can do at home, but visiting the best hair salon Mississauga for hot oil treatments will make your hair frizz-free longer. Going to the salon for hot oil treatments is beneficial because professionals have the necessary tools and the right formula to keep your hair shiny and healthy-looking.
2 .Moisturize Your Hair
Frizz happens when your hair doesn’t have enough moisture. Using the right products that go well with your hair will make a significant difference with the way it’ll look. When you wash your hair, make sure you use moisturizing shampoo and conditioner. You should also use anti-frizz products to help lock in that moisture throughout the day.
3. Avoid Brushing Your Hair When It's Dry
Brushing your hair can cause damage to your hair cuticle. To avoid frizz, towel-dry your hair after taking a bath and brush the hair strands gently to get rid of tangles. If you want to finger-comb your hair, make sure your wet your fingers first to help tame the frizz and easily untangle the strands.
Aside from that, it would be best if you also used the right hairbrush for your hair to avoid damage. Avoid using large round brushes because they can be harder to work with and overly stretch your hair strands. When blow-drying, it’s recommended to use a natural boar-bristle brush because it helps carry the natural oils from your scalp down to the hair strands.
4. Avoid Heating Your Hair Too Much
Limit heating your hair as much as possible as the temperature reduces the moisture in your hair strands, causing it to become unruly and unmanageable. If you need to use a flat iron or blow-dry, try using the minimum heat settings and don’t let the tool stay in your hair for too long.
Before styling your hair, it’s best to use hair protective spray or oils to ensure that your cuticle is protected and moisture stays in. When blow-drying your hair, try drying only the roots to avoid drying out the hair shaft, which causes frizzy ends.
Hair damage is the number one cause of frizzy hair. Hair damage happens when the hair cuticle is disrupted and moisture is lost in the hair shaft. When your hair becomes frizzy, it’ll look rough and dry and become very difficult to manage. To keep your hair frizz-free and shiny, make sure that you limit using heat and gently brush your hair to keep the moisture locked in. Going to the salon for hot oil treatments also helps keep your hair soft and healthy for longer periods.