There's nothing worse than picking out your outfit for a dance event only to realize that it doesn't match what the other students are wearing. If you are worried about what to wear, worry no more — here are some tips on the type of ballroom dance practice wear to put on before your next lesson.
What to Wear at a Ballroom Dance
When attending a ballroom dance lesson, you'll want to wear comfortable clothing, such as dance outfits, that you would wear for another type of event. Take into consideration that the dance lesson will be about 2 hours long and you will likely get sweaty. Wear clothing that preferably allows you to move freely. The instructor might even give you a couple of dance techniques to practice in the class, so wearing clothes that don't restrict your movement is an advantage.
Accessories can add to your outfit, but they can also make it appear too bushy. Avoid wearing too many accessories and focus on one that adds to your outfit. For example, you can wear high heels with a nice dress or sandals with jeans. You can also wear a necklace or bracelet to go along with the outfit. Avoid wearing too much jewelry because it might feel uncomfortable while dancing.
Color Theory
When learning how to dress for ballroom dancing, you should consider color theory. Wearing contrasting colors that are opposite of each other can create a visually stunning effect. For example, consider wearing shades of deep purple or red as an outfit.
Color theory is just one way to learn how to dress for ballroom dancing. This is an advanced form of art that uses colors to create a particular image. When dressing for a ballroom dance lesson, you should consider this.
Shoes are a crucial part of any outfit. You can wear high heels to dress up your outfit, or you can wear flat sandals if you're already comfortable. Make sure that the shoes that you wear are comfortable and don't prevent you from dancing. Wear sneakers instead of heels if dancing will be involved.
Wear Heels Only If You Can Dance in Them
Many women can't dance in high heels, so we recommend wearing flats or sandals. If you wear high heels, make sure that you don't dance in them for more than an hour. High heels can be uncomfortable. If your feet hurt, you won't be able to enjoy the class — and the wrong shoes can spoil the entire look of your outfit.
You don't want to wear high heels because they're fashionable and they'll make it more fun. But, on the other hand, you want to look classy and comfortable, so make sure to wear flats or sandals instead.
What Not to Wear While Ballroom Dancing
Now that you know what to wear let's talk about what not to wear. You should avoid wearing clothes that are too baggy or will get in the way of your dancing. You should also avoid wearing too tight clothes since this might make it uncomfortable for you to dance.
Don't Dress to Impress; instead, Dress to Dance Your Best
Ladies, when you're dressing for a dance lesson, you might want to focus on style instead of trying to impress the other students. Although there is nothing wrong with wearing a nice outfit to feel good about yourself, it's not necessary to be noticed in the first place. On the same idea, always remember that you'll be at a dance lesson — instead of a formal one. Therefore, we recommend wearing comfortable and stylish clothes which won't restrict your movement. And for the record, if you want to impress, show up in something very nice that's stylish.