You may have dreamt about it or had sleepless nights, and now you have saved enough to get your first designer handbag. Whether you decide on a Louis Vuitton, Gucci, or Chanel’s nude designer purses, you need to do extensive research to ensure you are satisfied with your purchase.
Buying your first luxury handbag can be a challenge because of different designer handbag brands, designs, colors, and fabrics to choose from. A designer handbag is no cheap purchase, and before buying a bag, you should research because you want the bag to last you for years to come or resell it when the time comes.
Ensuring your luxury handbag choice suits your lifestyle and aligns with your personal style, whether opting for a spacious tote or a versatile designer clutch bags, guarantees a worthwhile investment that resonates with your needs and preferences.
Not to worry, though; in this guide today, we give you some valuable tips to consider before buying that bag. This will ensure you get a classic, timeless piece that will be a worthy investment.
1. Budget
Luxury handbags come with a higher price tag, and you must be ready to spend quite an amount. Whether you are going for Louis Vuitton, Givenchy, Gucci, or a Hermes bag, do your research and determine the price points. Doing this will help you set a budget depending on how much you have.
It may be exciting, and the whole experience of shopping can be exhilarating, but it’s essential to set your goals. How much are you willing to pay on your first purchase?
Depending on how much you wish to spend, ensuring you have an estimated budget will help avoid going overboard on the price. A luxury bag is an investment not just because of the resale value but because of the sentimental value.
2. Your lifestyle
Now that you have decided how much you are willing to spend, it’s time to consider why you want to buy a luxury handbag. What occasion and purpose do you want your bag to serve? To get answers to these questions, think about your daily activities and what you mainly engage in.
By doing this it will help you determine the purpose of your bag and the environment it is going to be used in. if you are mostly working in an office, then you need a bag that you can fit your laptop plus your essentials and yet look stylish enough for a quick board meeting. A leather tote bag with enough room would do.
Are you a travel enthusiast who moves from place to place? Then a structured and durable bag will be ideal for you. Are you always on the go and are looking for a piece that you can transition easily from day to night? A crossbody bag you can easily remove the chain to carry as a clutch for dinner would make a great choice.
It's not only your professional style you should consider but also your personal that needs to be taken into consideration when choosing the designer bag to buy. This brings us to the next tip.
3. Your age and physique
Same as clothes, haircuts, and anything else that goes into your look, your bag needs to fit your size and be age-appropriate. If you have a more petite build, then you should consider buying a small to medium size and not a bag that is too big.
Shapes and sizes also vary according to your physique and torso height in general. While we are not saying to take measurements of yourself before buying a designer bag, consider the size of the bag and your physique to buy a bag that compliments that.
Some brands also design bags with the age of their clients in mind; buy a bag that compliments your age. If you prefer older looking bags, perhaps you would be interested in vintage Louis Vuitton bags over the newer models.
4. Your dress code
Take a look at your dress code and what your style is. Are you a casual dresser, for example, one who likes to dress in jeans and a top? Do you follow trends? Or do you prefer to keep it classic with blazers and a perfect pair of heels? You need to ensure that the bag you buy goes with the majority of what you usually wear.
You can do this by printing out an image of the bag you wish to buy. Hold the picture against your outfits and shoes and see how many outfits you can pair with the bag. You may want to buy a brightly colored bag, but this may limit the choices of outfits you may pair it with. Go for neutral colors and a classic piece that won’t go out of style and will serve you for years.
5. Aftercare and storage
A luxury bag that is in pristine condition in the store can look like a million bucks but not so much when you are using it daily for work and running up and down doing you.
When you buy your first luxury bag get in touch with the brand to understand how to take care of the bag and store it well to maintain its look. Especially if it's leather, luxury brands are made of genuine leather, and you need to know how to care for them. There is no point in purchasing a designer bag only to fail to care for it and maintain it.
The last thing you would like to have is carrying an expensive bag you no longer like; you need to maintain your bag to serve you longer.
6. Check the resale value of the bag.
You may not think about this tip now because maybe you are not looking for a bag to resell later. However, we all grow up, and as we do, so do our tastes. It’s always worth checking what the bag generally costs in the preloved market just in case you eventually decide you don’t need it anymore.
No one likes to lose money. You can do as much research as you need on the bag you wish to buy, but you will never know how it works out until you own it. It's always good to check how much you can potentially get back from your luxury bag if you decide to resell.