When it comes to fashion, few pieces are as powerful as designer handbags. Adding one of these bags to any outfit can elevate your style in the blink of an eye. More than that, however, carrying one of these bags can also make you feel amazing. Unfortunately, most designer bags cost a lot of money. Even though they are already quite pricey, the costs are going up even higher. Chanel bags, for instance, increase in price by approximately 20% on an annual basis. That makes searching for discounts extremely important. You just need to be careful to avoid scams.
With more people than ever buying designer handbags, there are a lot of companies out there that are making knockoffs. For example, in the United States, nearly $1.26 billion worth of counterfeit items were seized in the year 2012. Designer bags contributed significantly to that total. This negatively impacts both the designers who make handbags and the people who buy them. As counterfeiting techniques become even more advanced, it is getting harder and harder to spot the difference between a real handbag and a fake. For authentic vintage hand bags take a look at theVintageBar.com.
As you search for the perfect designer bag, keep the tips below in mind to ensure that you aren't falling for a counterfeit bag.
1. Thoroughly Research the Handbag That You Want
When you find a handbag that interests you, spend a lot of time researching it. Learn as much as you can about the bag. If possible, view one of the bags in person by visiting the store or showroom of the designer. Pay attention to the look and feel of the leather, the quality of the hardware, the positioning of the logos, the spacing of the stitching, and any other details that could help you determine if the bag is real or fake.
2. Be Sceptical of Exceptionally Good Deals
Although there are some really great deals out there, there is such a thing as a deal that is too good. For instance, if the bag that you are shopping for typically sells for $2,000 and you find one on sale for $50, you can be fairly confident that it is a fake. The only exception is if the bag is used and shows significant signs of wear.
3. Inspect the Hardware
Look closely at the hardware on the bag, including any clasps or zippers. Aside from Chloe bags which sometimes mix-and-match different hardware styles, all of the hardware should match. Try opening the zipper to make sure that it operates perfectly without catching or providing resistance.
4. Examine the Stitching and Seam Structure
The stitching on designer bags is usually extremely precise and even, with every stitch being the same size. Similarly, real bags typically don't have glued seams. If you see poor quality stitching or seams that have been glued, the bag is most likely a counterfeit.
5. Check the Quality of The Leather
Leather has a distinctive smell that is easy to recognize. If you pick up a handbag and smell something strange like a chemical odour, glue, or the smell of rubber, it could be a sign that the bag is counterfeit. If you are looking at a real leather bag, check the feel of the leather to make sure that it is supple and smooth. Bags that are made out of fake leather tend to feel a little bit oilier or stickier. If you are purchasing a used bag, look at the leather on the handles to see if it shows signs of wear. If so, it probably is real leather. If the handles still look like new even though the bag has been used, it probably is fake leather.
6. Don't Buy from Outlets That Sell Designer Handbags Through the Internet
The majority of designers operate their own outlet stores. They send any overstocked items to these stores to sell at a discount. If you find outlet stores on the Internet that are not directly associated with the designer, always view them with scepticism. This is especially true if you can buy more than one of each bag style. In this case, there is a high likelihood that the bags are fake.