7 Lifestyle Factors That Affect Your Skin Health
Caring for the skin is most people’s thing. Of course, skincare is also an essential routine.
What most people don’t realize, though, is that their lifestyle affects their skin, not only whatever skincare products they apply to it. In fact, you may find something that’s preventing yourself from having healthy, glowing skin if you take a closer look at your habits.
Here are several lifestyle factors that can negatively affect your skin:
Smoking strips the skin of some essential nutrients and oxidants, and that's why it can affect your skin adversely. Collagen and elastin, the skin’s fundamental units, can get degraded as a result. Sagging, the appearance of fine lines, as well as uneven skin, may then follow. As the skin’s pores can get blocked when you smoke, skin conditions like acne may also become a problem.
Too Much Alcohol Consumption
When talking about social beverages, alcohol is the most popular. The majority of alcohol drinkers don’t know how harmful the drink can actually be for their health and skin because it’s really prevalent in today’s culture.
Did you ever notice something odd about your skin’s appearance after waking up from a night of drinking? If you did, then you’ll agree that swelling, more fine lines, and other signs of dehydration will show. The problem is that many adults binge drink more than four times each month.
The skin will begin to age more rapidly if you’re binge drinking along those lines. The difference is noticeable when you compared the skin of someone who only drinks occasionally with someone who drinks more frequently. If you want to keep your skin wrinkle-free, supple, and hydrated, monitor your alcohol consumption.
A common question from people who only partake in occasional drinking is which beverages are the least harmful. Well, the general rule is to stick to clear spirits in a shot or on the rocks. That’s because these are the options that contain less or no added syrup, salt, or sugar. When consumed in moderation, red wine is also considered healthy due to its high levels of resveratrol, an antioxidant that supports skin health.
Engaging In Stressful Activities
Significant hormonal imbalances in the body may result from too much stress. That could lead to side effects to the skin like hormonal acne. Engaging in stressful activities may actually reduce the skin’s moisture absorption and retention ability by affecting the organ’s barrier function. The skin becomes flaky over time and looks dry and patchy when it’s dehydrated.
Poor Nutrition
A diet that contains essential vitamins and minerals can help improve the skin. Radiant skin can be retained when you eat salmon, mackerel, tuna, and other fatty fish. It’s also what happens when you include Vitamin C-rich food such as tomatoes, oranges, and lime. Supple and acne-free skin also results from consuming colorful fruit and vegetables as part of your diet. That’s because they can detoxify the skin.
Sleeping Less
Most adults need seven to nine hours of sleep. You’ll feel sleepy and exhausted the next day if you sleep for less than six hours at night. The radiance of the skin disappears as the organ deals with the lack of rest too. Saggy skin, dark circles, eye bags, and other skin problems may also result from lack of sleep.
Not Applying Sunscreen And Other Skin Protection
The skin gets exposed to the sun’s harmful UVA and UVB rays if you stay outdoors for long periods. Not to mention that dust particles outside can also affect your skin.
If your job entails frequent sun exposure, it’s best to use sunscreens and other forms of skin protection against the heat. Without sunscreen, the rays of the sun can penetrate your skin, weakening the collagen cells and leading to pigmentation. In the long run, it will result in tanning. To avoid that, use products with SPF or skin protection factor of at least 30.
Lack Of Exercise
Don’t forget to work your muscles if you want an enhanced skin appearance. Exercise should be your diet’s co-pilot. Besides making you sweat, working out actually boosts blood and oxygen flow to the skin. As a result, whatever nutrient you get from the food you eat all gets carried straight to your skin cells. Furthermore, you know that stress isn’t skin-friendly, and moving your body will help relieve it.
Final Thoughts
Everyone wants to have radiant, supple, and blemish-free skin. However, most people aren't aware that some of their lifestyle habits are actually taking a toll on their skin. Hopefully, this post can help you start avoiding things that affect the largest organ of your body adversely. Instead, do more of those that can help improve it.