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Skin Care Tips to Keep You Smooth and Glowing

Skincare is important to a lot of people I know. This is probably also true of the billions of people I don’t know. People like to look nice, and they know that the skin is one of the most noticeable parts of your body.

So, in both teenagers and adults, it is important to keep your skin healthy and fresh in order to protect it. This is not only for cosmetic reasons but also medical ones! Not taking proper care of your skin can lead to infection and scarring.

Much like someone who spends all of their time on online casino South Africa, doing certain activities too much can be very detrimental to your skin health. It can also be very beneficial to increase how much you do other activities.

So, without further ado, here are some great skincare tips to keep your skin happy and healthy! You definitely won’t be wanting to miss out on these great steps to keeping your skin beautiful!

Watch Your Diet

There is an age-old saying that says “you are what you eat.” This is very true for mental health, mood, and physical health. It is also true within physical health when it comes to your skin.

If you are eating a very oily diet, then it can actually lead to you having breakouts of acne, along with ruining your nice clear skin. This is due to 2 reasons, only one of which you may have thought of.

The first reason eating oily foods is bad for your skin is simply because most people aren’t perfect eaters. We make a little bit of a mess around our mouth when we eat, and this is very bad for your skin if you are eating oily or fatty foods.

Oils and fats are what clog pores in your skin leading to blackheads, whiteheads, pimples, and acne. This means that unless you are super careful when you eat, and or wash your face thoroughly after you eat then fatty foods are gonna give you some skin problems.

Another reason that fatty foods are bad for your skin is not so obvious. Scientists are still not sure what exactly is going on, but Doctor Joseph Zahn in an interview with Healthline wrote on the topic:

“Though the exact reasons aren’t clear at this time, the current school of thought regarding why these particular foods may cause acne to flare is that they may play a role in regulating certain hormones, such as insulin or androgens, which we already know cause acne to flare”

In this quote, Doctor Zahn is talking about how a western diet consisting of fatty foods such as meat and dairy can cause acne and skin problems. He also noted that high carbohydrate diets can have the same effect.

Look on Labels

As someone with fairly sensitive skin, it is very important you check what is in the products you are buying. There are many ingredients in soaps, lotions, and skincare products that can be very harmful to your skin.

According to Harvard Health Publishing who quoted the American Academy of Dermatology, “Many fragrances and preservatives can irritate skin. If possible, use products without them.“

They then go on to say that even natural or plant-derived products should be taken with a grain of salt or caution as, “‘Natural’ ingredients aren't always benign. If you have allergies or sensitive skin, you may find that plant extracts cause a reaction. Antibacterial lotions can also be irritating for some people.” The American Academy of Dermatology said.

Finally, Harvard Health Publishing noted a final category of ingredients to look out for are solvents. Solvents are chemicals in a product used to dissolve other solid ingredients into a liquid solution. The American Academy of Dermatology noted on solvents that, ”Chemicals that penetrate the skin include propylene glycol and ethanol. A better alternative is polyethylene glycol, which does not penetrate the skin.”

Besides the science that seems to back the idea that not all skincare products take care to be careful on your skin, I have some anecdotal evidence as well. Myself and people I know are heavily affected by what kind of soap we use.

The only soap that seems to be easy on our skin is the unscented Dove brand soap. And even then, I am not sure if it is because the soap itself is easier on the skin, or just the lotion in the soap covering up its sins.

The bottom line is, be careful what you put on your skin! If you find yourself having rashes, then you should talk with a dermatologist about the products you use and what alternatives there are.

Protect the Skin You Have

Much like your teeth, you only have one skin. Okay, that may not be entirely true as your skin is constantly regrowing and regenerating, but that doesn’t mean you can treat it terribly and assume everything will be okay!

So, there are some important things you should try and do to protect your skin. As I said previously, this starts to become not just about cosmetics, but about your health! Your skin is an organ like any other.

One of the biggest things that can cause damage to our skin in our daily lives is the sun. The sun is constantly bombarding us with harmful solar radiation, specifically UV (Ultra Violet) radiation.

UV rays just like any other form of radiation are very bad for your skin and you! Sun exposure is a leading cause of skin cancer along with tanning beds.

So, there are a few things you should do in order to protect yourself from the sun's rays. First and foremost you should avoid direct sunlight. There is no real way around it, but being in the sun is what is going to cause you to soak up solar radiation.

So, put on some clothes to shade your skin, or sit out of direct sunlight under something shady. This will protect your skin from the sun and help prevent you from getting sunburned or permanent skin damage.

Now, you may be thinking to yourself, “Wait, why can’t I just use sunscreen? That’ll protect my skin, right?” Well, the honest answer is yes and no.

According to our old friend the Harvard Health Publishing, a sunblock of at least SPF 30 is imperative when going out in the sun. The only problem is that it only can protect you if you are perfect with your sunscreen application.

This means that you should apply sunscreen, then wait for it to sit on your skin for a bit, then you can get dressed, and then you can go outside. After that, you have to be on the ball about reapplying it about every 2 hours.

Now, let’s be honest. When you are having a fun day at the beach, you are probably not thinking about your sunscreen the entire day. Next thing you know, you go out in the ocean and forget to reapply sunscreen.

Now, you may remember later and reapply some, but how long has it been? An hour? 2 hours? That is time you have spent being damaged by UV rays.

The simple fact is you cannot beat not being in the sun. Sunscreen is important and you shouldn’t think it doesn't do anything, but the problem lies with us. You have to be on top of your sunscreen application, and even then sunscreen doesn’t block 100% of the sun's rays.

This is also a problem even if sunscreen blocked 100% of solar radiation. People just don’t usually apply sunscreen to every single inch of their skin. There will always be at least a little bit that is getting sun when you aren’t in the shade.

The bottom line is, just be careful. Try and stay in the shade when you can, and wear clothing that covers your skin when you are out in direct sunlight. Apply sunscreen regularly, and stay safe!