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How to reduce noise in the kitchen with a cabinet bumper?

Cabinets are probably one of the most useful things ever made. Cabinets can be installed almost anywhere in your house, including your bedroom. These are very useful to hold many things like cutlery, books, clothes or anything. Cabinets offer wide storage for holding your household items.

In the kitchen, cabinets are essential. A good quality kitchen means maximum cabinets allowing maximum space for the kitchenware. Despite all these things, there is a frustrating situation accompanied by kitchen cabinets. While opening and closing cabinets, they make a noise that is sometimes unbearable.

So, to fix this problem, we have a very useful device called cabinet bumpers. Cabinet bumpers are installed between the cabinet base and the door. They mute the noise of closing and opening of cabinets. There is a wide variety of cabinet bumpers that range in size and quality. 


Exclusively there are two types of cabinet bumpers. These are felt cabinet bumpers and rubber cabinet bumpers. Both of these serve the same purpose of reducing the noise but differ with respect to their composition and price range, obviously.

Rubber cabinet bumpers are used by most people as they are more durable as compared to felt cabinet bumpers. Even when the cabinet doors are slammed hard, these rubber bumpers protect the door from being banged to the cabinet bottom. Rubber bumpers are best when it comes to lowering the sound impact. Rubber bumpers are more durable, so their cost is generally more than that of felt bumpers. 

Felt cabinet bumpers are soft as compared to rubber cabinet bumpers. They are made up of natural and organic materials. They not only make your cabinets soundproof but also protect them from scratches and wear and tear. These are cheaper compared to rubber bumpers. As they are waterproof, so they accumulate dust easily. They are less durable.

How to install cabinet bumpers?

Cabinet bumpers are small pieces of rubber or some organic material. They are very easy to install and can be done manually almost instantly. They have one sticky side and the other rough side. All you need to do is to peel off the wrapper from the sticky side and then stick it with the one side of the cabinet door.

 Similarly, stick the other side of the cabinet bumper from the cabinet corner where the door becomes attached. So, this is how you can install the cabinet bumpers yourself.

When you have got your cabinet bumpers installed, the sound of your kitchen cabinets would be reduced automatically.

Other specifications for cabinet bumpers

Colored cabinet bumpers

To make the little cabinet bumpers more exciting, there are many colors introduced for them. Colored cabinet bumpers give an exciting look to your cabin it's but if you want them to be prominent. If you have a colorful kitchen with bright colored cabinets, then a colorful cabinet bumper would do for you.

Suppose you are installing a cabinet bumper with wooden or black polished furniture. Then go for more simple grey or transparent cabinet bumpers. If you install a colored cabinet with a brown cabinet, it would completely be off theme and be very prominent.

Size and quantity

Like all things, there are various sizes of cabinet bumpers available. Generally, the size of the cabinet bumper is mentioned on the wrapper, so you don't need to worry about what size it is. Smaller-sized cabinet bumpers are best as they are more durable and stick well with the wooden surface of the cabinet.

But if you have a large size cabinet more than the normal standard size, then you can have large-sized cabinet bumpers. You can also try attaching more than one cabinet pumper with a single cabinet to improve the noise reduction. So, we can say that the size of the bumper varies with the size of your cabinet.

The quantity of the cabinet bumper also matters a lot. In a standard package, there are almost 60 to 70 cabinet bumpers. They are enough for single usage to cover all your kitchen cabinets. In some exclusive packs, there are about a hundred cabinet bumpers available.

Styles and shapes

Cabinet bumpers also differ on the basis of their shape. A typical dome-shaped is the most durable cabinet bumper of all. They are made up of a kind of plastic. As they are waterproof, they can be used to close the cabinet door which is present near to the water, for example, the sink cabinet. 

Dome shaped cabinet bumpers are usually transparent, white, or black. You can use a black color cabinet bumper with cabinet paint. A smaller sized cabinet bumper would be better.

Another type of cabinet bumper has a water drop like shape. It is flat from the sides and raised in the middle. They can also be called multi-layered cabinet bumpers. Due to the presence of many layers in them, they offer more sticking ability to the cabinet.

A fixed cabinet bumper is best suited for the cabinet doors, which are loose and hanging. They are the thickest cabinet bumpers and provide more surface area for sticking so that the cabinet door is fixed perfectly in its place. A specialty of a fixed cabinet bumper is that it has a larger diameter as compared to other cabinet bumpers.


If you are tired of the noise of cabinet doors creaking and shutting, better get a cabinet bumper installed in your cabinet right now. There are a variety of cabinet bumpers regarding size, thickness, color, and diameter. So, you can choose the best cabinet bomber that suits your purpose.

No doubt cabinet bumpers are best to get rid of unnecessary disturbing sounds. Cabinet bumpers are not only limited to kitchen cabinets only you can use them at the back of frames and with your cupboard doors also. So, the multi-purpose cabinet bumper is the best solution.