Recovering from Trauma: The Healing Power of Mindfulness and Self-Care
Trauma is something that everyone will have to face. It’s impossible to go through life without some sort of trauma. Trauma takes on many different forms and faces.
Being in a traffic accident can be traumatic. Experiencing the death of a loved one is also traumatic. There are many forms of psychological and physical trauma that you might have to deal with at some point.
Recovering is not easy, but it isn’t impossible. Mindfulness and self-care can help you move on. Here are some important aspects of recovery.
1. Meaning
It can be hard to find meaning in trauma.
After a traumatic event, it can even be hard to find meaning in life. Finding a purpose in life is already difficult enough.
But many people have found meaning and purpose through trauma. Many of the greatest works of art have come from traumatic experiences. You might even create one of those wonderful artworks.
Read books by people who have undergone similar experiences. Or watch movies about the subject. Of course, if the subject is a trigger for you, proceed with caution.
Don’t feel like you have to deal with the trauma all the time. It’s perfectly fine to take a break and enjoy other things.
Once you feel ready, think about what you can learn from the experience.
2. Relaxation
Recovering will be hard without relaxation.
The problem is that it isn’t easy to relax after a traumatic event. In some cases, trauma can lead to long-term anxiety or even depression.
One thing that can help relax is marijuana. There are no negative side effects associated with cannabis consumption. Many doctors even recommend it for coping with trauma.
Here is information on how to find legal cannabis in Georgia. Like most states, Georgia has recently loosened its legislation concerning cannabis. Hopefully other states will follow the trend.
In most states, PTSD is a qualifying condition for obtaining a medical marijuana card. PTSD stands for post-traumatic stress disorder. It is often associated with war trauma, but you can get PTSD from anything.
CBD can also help relax after a traumatic event. It’s ideal for those who don’t want to get high but still want the medical benefits of the cannabis plant.
Marijuana should always be purchased from a licensed dispensary.
3. Health
Trauma will have an impact on your health.
It can affect the way you sleep, eat, and interact with people. These are all negative consequences. But they can be turned into positive ones.
After experiencing trauma, you might feel anger and sudden energy boosts. Use this energy as a tool to focus on your health.
Start working out. Let off steam by jogging or taking up a new athletic hobby.
If sports aren’t your thing, find another healthy outlet. Take up cooking and focus on finding new, healthy recipes that you enjoy making.
Or start doing yoga to deal with the stress.
4. Discovery
Trauma can help you discover another side of yourself.
The first time you deal with trauma isn’t going to be easy. It’s also probably not going to be the last time something traumatic happens in your life.
Use the opportunity to learn about yourself. Maybe use one of these journaling prompts to think about life.
The way we react to trauma tells us a lot about our personalities. It also tells us a lot about our relationships. Think about how your partner or other family members reacted to the event.
Talk about your reactions and feelings with them. This can help you grow as an individual as well as enabling you to grow with your loved ones.
5. Open Mind
Trauma changes the brain.
It has forced you to confront something you thought you might never face. While that’s tough, it is good to experience new things.
It also opens up your mind to alternative possibilities. Maybe it makes you appreciate things in life that you would have otherwise overlooked.
Or it makes you be willing to see people and things in a different light. Maybe it will give you the courage to take a new trip or go on an adventure.
Practicing mindfulness will help you keep an open-minded outlook.