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What is the difference between judging and perceiving?

When people talk about judging and perceiving they are usually referring to the preference pair that can be found on the Myers-Briggs type indicator types. These personality types all include a combination of four characters, all of which point towards a preference. This can be whether you prefer judging vs perceiving or extraversion vs introversion. Once you understand your preferences, you can direct this understanding towards your long-term career path and goals. Here is a little bit more information on the differences between the personality types and what they can mean to you. 

What are the 4 preferences? 

The Myers-Briggs test is a self-assessment tool that can be used to categorize your personalities based on traits that you show in your personal and professional life. The four preference pairs are: 

Extraversion vs Introversion: This pair is used to measure how likely someone is to enjoy in participation with activities that will lead to that person socialising and engaging in conversations with other people. If you are an extrovert, you will feel that you gain energy from these interactions. Introverts, however, will likely feel drained from these interactions. 

Thinking and feeling: These two indicators refer instead to how you make decisions as an individual. A thinker is someone who is more likely to use data and logic in order to make a decision. Someone who feels more, will likely think about the consequences of an action and make their decision based on that rather than empirical evidence. 

Sensing and intuition: This measurement investigates how you learn from the world. You may find that you prefer to gather your data from the senses that you possess. If this is the case, then you are more likely to fall into the sensing camp. If you are more of an intuitive personality, then you will likely consider abstract ideas and your gut feelings. 

Judging and perceiving: This pair judges how you process the world around you. If you prefer judging, you will likely prefer an order and organisation to your work. Meanwhile if you prefer to perceive then you are likely to be more flexible in your approach to life. 

To be Judging 

Personalities that have a judging preference tend to find life better when it is organised. They will be neat and like to be in control. They tend to show decisive actions and respond well to events as they unfold. In addition to this, they will likely follow schedules well ad be efficient in the workplace. If you find you like to make lists and organising your time specifically to do a task, then you may fall into this category. 


This has recently been changed to prospecting rather than perceiving and these words are often used interchangeably. This personality likes to be autonomous and creative and to have a warm carefree attitude to life. They tend to be more flexible and adaptable to problems than the judgemental types. 

There is nor right answer to these quizzes but once you know how you work, it will be easier to plan for your future.