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7 Things To Know About Magnesium And Weight Loss

Magnesium is an essential electrolyte necessary for your body to function. It helps in the contraction of muscles and it’s also responsible for other chemical reactions in the body. Magnesium has an impact on the management of blood sugar, kidney filtration, and the action of neurotransmitters. It also helps maintain the bones and teeth. The overall role of magnesium in the human body can’t be overemphasized. 

In some studies, it was proven that magnesium might be beneficial in gradual weight loss. So, if you’re aiming to shed some weight, here’s some essential information that you need to know regarding this mineral and its role in losing those unwanted pounds.

1. Magnesium Has A Positive Role On Glucose Absorption

Magnesium has a vast role in glucose management. Studies have shown that magnesium helped regulate the glucose levels in participants that are resistant to insulin. Those who took oral magnesium responded more to insulin hormones. Magnesium's effect on weight loss     corresponds to how well it improves the glucose parameters of overweight people and those that are at risk of developing diabetes. 

A sufficient quantity of magnesium improves plasma glucose levels, reduces abdominal discomfort and water retention.    

2. Magnesium Helps In Muscle Contraction

Exercise is a vital part of your weight loss journey. In a bid to lose some fat, your fitness expert may recommend a fitness program for you. Magnesium can help muscles contract during exercise because it acts as a calcium blocker and helps muscles relax.  

This means a lack of enough magnesium in your body will lead to over contraction. You may develop muscle spasms, pain, or cramps due to frequent exercising. You should do further research on how to tell if you're magnesium deficient for you to be able to find ways to augment this inadequacy in your body.

Certainly, magnesium is necessary for weight loss because it aids in muscle recovery and reduces post-exercise soreness. This helps you to exercise more and attain the fitness goals you desire for your bo

3. Magnesium Helps To Relieve Stress and Improve Sleep Quality

Magnesium has been proven to relieve anxiety, stress, and the lack of good sleep that comes with being overweight.  In a stressed state, the body releases a hormone called Cortisol. Cortisol is a stress hormone that causes the body to store excess fats. 

Recent studies also corroborate that magnesium intake may alleviate subjective anxiety symptoms, including high cortisol levels. This is because magnesium helps you sleep better by maintaining a good circadian rhythm, and helps to balance sleep hormones like Gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) and melatonin. Good sleep relieves stress and in turn eliminates cortisol, which can improve weight loss. 

4. Magnesium May Pump In Cellular Energy Needed For Workout

Your fitness expert may recommend some cardiovascular and weight lifting exercise as part of your weight loss regimen. Fitness plans come with rigorous workout routines which require lots of energy. Electrolytes, including magnesium, are greatly needed to replenish and support worn-out cells. In addition, magnesium is an essential co-factor in the production of adenosine triphosphate (ATP), which is needed to transport and distribute energy within the cells. Magnesium coordinates cellular respiration and helps manufacture the required energy from food by working with ATP. Therefore, you would expend the energy necessary to achieve the right magnesium quantity, leading to your desired weight loss.

5. Magnesium Boosts Overall Exercise Performance

Aside from pumping cellular energy, magnesium helps boost athletic performance. 

Likewise, it also reduces lactic acid buildup in your muscles, which may usually cause pain and muscle soreness. By making sure that you have enough magnesium in your body you would be able to execute maximum effort in your workout regimen, thus attaining the weight loss you desire with fewer difficulties and pain. 

6. Helps To Lower Insulin Resistance

An important cause of weight gain is insulin resistance. Insulin is a hormone produced by the body to help reduce glucose levels in blood circulation. Resistance to insulin would therefore cause complications like increased blood sugar level, weight gain, fatigue, high blood pressure, and so on. The impact of magnesium in increasing the body's responsiveness to insulin would go a long way to help in shedding off your excess weight.

7. Magnesium May Help Fight Inflammation

One of the leading causes of weight gain is chronic inflammation. Inflammation of cells could lead to resistance in insulin and cluster of conditions, which could subsequently cause water weight gain. 

In addition, individuals with low magnesium levels often have high rates of inflammatory marker C-reactive protein (CRP), high blood sugar, high cholesterol, and triglyceride levels. Considering that magnesium is a natural solution to fight inflammation, adding magnesium to your diet for weight loss may be an effective remedy to battle the effects of inflammation.


Getting enough magnesium that your body needs is essential for your weight loss journey. As a matter of fact, weight gain is a common symptom of magnesium deficiency. Increasing your magnesium intake can help you recover quickly, boost your workout performance and help you fight inflammation. You’d be doing your weight loss regimen a great service by finding out the right amount of magnesium you need to achieve your fitness goals. And always reach out to a healthcare expert.