Is there any point in dietary supplements for female beauty and health?
If we are talking about vitamins, amino acids, minerals for hair and skin, then these are working things, no doubt. Iron, vitamin D, zinc, B vitamins, primabolics really contribute to the strength and health of hair and skin, help to reduce the rate of hair loss. Moreover, very often a variety of treatments, masks, wraps and other cosmetic procedures have a zero effect, because this is due to an imbalance of vitamins, microelementoses, and so on.
Skin and hair are a reflection of the state of the body, which needs vitamins, trace elements and minerals. Unfortunately, it is impossible to simply get what you need from food - bad ecology, poor quality products, and so on. Therefore, supplements can solve the problems of replenishing trace elements, without which the body is difficult to cope. So - yes, supplements can help, but only if they are of high quality and selected by a medical specialist.
You may want to try a vitamin spray. The use of oral sprays allows for vitamins like B12 to be delivered directly into the mouth, to permeate the highly vascular tissue of the mucous membrane lining.
How significantly can you change the condition of the skin and hair with the help of dietary supplements?
These can be very serious changes, but only under one important condition - if the drug is selected specifically for you. If at first you passed a blood test and deficiencies / surpluses of some vitamins, macro- and microelements and amino acids were revealed, and on the basis of this, a certified doctor prescribed you dietary supplements in a specific dosage and with a specific regimen that includes regular medical supervision, then yes, you will see the effect. Hair will grow faster, become thicker, stop falling out, skin will improve, tone will appear. Of course, if this was due precisely to a deficiency of vitamins, macro- and microelements, and not to other somatic causes.
Very often, for example, people suffer from iron deficiency - an element in the composition of hemoglobin that carries oxygen to all organs and tissues. And the first symptoms of iron deficiency are just dry skin and hair and their loss. As iron deficiency worsens, fatigue, reduced physical activity, shortness of breath, dizziness, and so on can be added. It is extremely important to prevent the development of a serious iron deficiency. In addition to quite significant hair loss and the formation of bald patches in the temporal areas, the consequences can also be for the heart, brain and other organs.
If the diagnostics did not reveal other deviations, except for the deficiency of certain vitamins and macro- and microelements in the body, then dietary supplements can be the main therapy for problems associated with the quality and health of hair and skin. If a particular patient has other pathologies or chronic diseases, then well-chosen dietary supplements can be successfully used as an adjunct to drug therapy.
Common mistakes when using dietary supplements
The most common mistake is self-medication. Go to iHerb and buy yourself any "useful". And how all this together will affect the body is unknown. At the moment, a huge negative experience has been accumulated in the independent use of bioadditives. And such amateur performance can really end badly. Overdoses, in principle, the wrong choice of the drug - and then you have to correct the situation already together with the doctor.
Medicine does not tolerate populism. There are no universal schemes and dosages suitable for everyone. Overdoing vitamins and trace elements is no better than living with a deficiency.
But always wisely and based on your personal characteristics and characteristics. An overdose of vitamin D can be hazardous to health. For example, along with indicators of vitamin D, calcium indicators increase. With an excess of calcium, it can begin to be deposited in the vessels and arteries, causing calcification (a violation of calcium metabolism), provoking kidney stones and other disorders. Now doctors have come up with the idea of prescribing vitamin K along with vitamin D, which draws calcium into the hair, nails, teeth and bones. But again, the question arises, what dose to drink? How often? In what form? How long? There is no drug that is needed and useful for everyone. This doesn't happen.
If you see a blogger on Instagram with an enthusiastic review of a miraculous dietary supplement - even if it is naive to assume that this is not an advertisement at all, but the blogger honestly went to the doctor, got tested, got an appointment and it helped him dramatically - do not rush to repeat. It is not a fact that the dosage, form, scheme, and indeed the drug itself will suit you.
Thoughtlessly taking nutritional supplements “on the recommendation” of a blogger or looking for analogues of a drug of unknown origin from unofficial distributors is always a risk. In addition to the composition of the drug, there are also rules for the storage and delivery of products, expiration date and compatibility with other nutrients, individual change