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How to Overcome Your Fear of the Dentist as an Adult

Does the mere thought of going to the dentist send shivers down your spine? If so, you might feel a little bit silly for being an adult with a fear of the dentist.

But believe it or not, there are actually quite a few adults out there who are scared of the dentist. One major study found that more than one-third of American adults experience what is called dental anxiety. Additionally, about 12% of American adults suffer from an all-out extreme dental fear.

If you fall into either of these two categories, you might put off having a dental procedure done or even just getting the proper routine dental care because of your fear of the dentist. But you should know that there are things you can do to overcome your fear of the dentist, even as an adult.

Learn how to conquer your fear of the dentist once and for all below.

Find the Best Dentist in Your Area

If you have a fear of the dentist, you're not going to want to choose just any old dentist when you're in the market for one. Instead, you're going to want to look specifically for a dentist that specializes in dealing with anxious patients.

Google "dentist near me" and check out some of the options that exist in your area. Do your research on all of your available options and see which ones come highly recommended to those who are scared of the dentist.

You'll set yourself up for success when you make it a point to call on the right dentist for help. We found the best dentist in la mirada to help deal with dental anxiety, and alleviate your fears. They'll make sure that you don't have to go through too much dental anxiety during an upcoming dental procedure.

Talk to Your Dentist About Your Dental Fear

During your first appointment with a dentist, you shouldn't be shy about letting them know that you suffer from dental anxiety or dental fear. It'll suggest to them that they need to be extra careful when working in and around your mouth.

Most dentists are going to do this anyway. But it never hurts to inform them about your dental anxiety or dental fear. It's a good thing for them to have on their radar as they prepare to provide you with the dental care that they need.

Ask Your Dentist to Communicate Clearly With You

If you have a fear of the dentist, you're likely going to flinch the second that your dentist comes anywhere near your mouth. Even if you try your hardest not to, dental anxiety is going to get the best of you in many cases.

One way to get around this is to ask your dentist to communicate what they're going to be doing every step of the way when they're setting you up with dental care. You'll be able to process what's happening so much more effectively when your dentist is walking you through things.

Bring Someone to the Dentist to Support You

Once you get the hang of going to the dentist, you're more than welcome to head out to dental appointments on your own. But when you're still in the process of trying to get over a fear of the dentist, you should try to have someone tag along with you.

Whether you bring your spouse, your mom, or your best friend, they'll be able to lend their support to you as you aim to overcome your dental fears. They'll also be able to drive for you if you need to be sedated for some reason during your appointment.

You should Google "IV sedation wisdom teeth" to read about one reason why you might need someone to give you a ride home after a dentist appointment.

Look for Things to Distract You When You're at the Dentist

When you're scared of the dentist, it can be hard to focus on anything other than your fear when you're sitting in their chair. But you should do your best to distract yourself while you're seeing a dentist.

Some people will put on music while they're having work done on their teeth. Others will throw on a Netflix show on their smartphones.

A good dentist will almost always allow you to use whichever distractions that you might want. It'll get your mind off how scared you are and let you turn your attention to something else for a little while.

Put Relaxation Techniques to the Test at the Dentist

Right before you head into an appointment with your dentist, there are a series of relaxation techniques that you can try to calm yourself down. They can work wonders for those who have a genuine dental fear.

While you're sitting in the car ready to walk into your dentist's office, you should spend a few minutes taking some deep breaths. You should also close your eyes and give meditation a try.

The calmer that you can make your mind, the more relaxed you're going to be during a dental procedure. It's why you should experiment with different relaxation techniques to see what works best for you. 

Don't Let a Fear of the Dentist Derail Your Dental Health

Almost half of all Americans don't see a dentist as often as they should. For some people, this is because they don't have the insurance coverage that they need to make regular dentist appointments.

But for others, it's because they have a fear of the dentist that just won't go away. As a result, they skip dentist appointments regularly and don't take good enough care of their teeth.

If you're one of these people, you shouldn't let dental anxiety or dental fear get the best of you. Instead, you should utilize the tips that you've learned about here to overcome being scared of the dentist. It'll make it possible for you to get the best dental care without always living in fear.

Read more articles designed to help you take better care of your teeth by browsing around on the rest of our blog.