Home Remedies for Cellulite
Cellulite is a condition that looks like it affects a lot of women these days. Judging by the amount of times we see cellulite remedies being printed in the magazines of women, we are pretty sure that the issue has yet to be solved.
It has been agreed that cellulite problems mainly occur due to problems within the connective tissue and also the fat there is on a person’s body. There are a lot of theories as to what causes this type of imbalance.
A lot of factors do play a role in a person getting cellulite but none of them are absolutes. One thing that is true, however, is that those who are overweight are more likely to get them.
Natural Ways to Get Rid Of Cellulite
In the following few paragraphs, we will take a look at some remedies that can be done at home. These are remedies that all the experts on the subject matter recommend. These suggestions will help you in dealing with cellulite. On top of that, these recommendations are just helpful for the body in other ways as well.
Dry Brushing
This is a type of remedy that has a lot of anecdotal support behind it, even though scientific evidence may be rare. One of the best things about this is that it feels really good and it also helps to stimulate blood flow and lymph flow within our bodies. Let us take a look at some of the specifics:
How often: This type of brushing has the ability to open up all the pores that we have on our skin. This is a remedy that you ought to be doing daily anyway. Make sure that you do this when your skin is completely dry.
Direction: Make sure that you brush only towards your heart. Try using long sweeping strokes and avoid the back and forth motion. Scrub only in circular motions. Start with your feet and move up your legs on both sides. After this, try working from your arms towards the chest area. When you are brushing your stomach, make sure that you are doing it counterclockwise. Also, do not brush too hard as you do not want to irritate your skin.
What Kind of Brush: One thing that you need to make sure is that the brush has natural bristles. It should not be synthetic and it should ideally be derived from vegetables. The bristles ought to be a bit stiff but definitely not too hard.
Benefits: On top of getting rid of dry skin on parts of the body like elbows, knees and ankles, brushing your body will get you tighter skin. It will also mean that the cells of your skin will renew naturally and you will get better blood flow.
Consuming Gelatin
Gelatin is mainly made up of some amino acids like proline and glycine. These are things that a lot of us do not have sufficient amounts of in our diets. This is down to the fact that these acids are mainly found in bones, the organs of animals, fibrous tissues, etc and these are things that are not very popular culinary options. These amino acids are extremely important for the proper functioning of our bodies.
There is a theory circulating in the scientific community that it is due to the decreased levels of gelatin in our diets that is the primary cause of cellulite formation. Whatever the reason, gelatin is something that really helps us with a whole host of other issues as well and it should be a staple part of our diets.
Try Light Therapy
Light therapy is another thing that you can perform within the comforts of your own home. This is a type of therapy that has really gone into the mainstream of the health and fitness world within the span of the last 5 or 6 years. In fact, it has gotten so popular, that a lot of A list Hollywood celebrities have started making this a regular part of their beauty and skincare routine.
Light therapy, or Red Light Therapy fat loss, has the ability to promote cellular function that is able to give us better health in general, rejuvenate our skin and it also promotes weight loss. The list of benefits that can be truly derived from this type of therapy is literally too big to list down and is definitely beyond the scope of this article.
Light therapy basically works by stimulating the natural light of the outdoors in an indoor environment. This is a very practical solution to the problem of people not getting enough Vitamin D into their systems. The devices themselves are able to produce brilliant light that is at least 10,000 lux units strong.
This is a non-invasive type of therapy that also has no known side effects. If you are going down this road and getting a light therapy device, we highly recommend that you consult your doctor first. They will be able to guide you and make sure that you get the most out of your light therapy box.
Another theory that is being constantly put up as a probable cause of cellulite formation is that we are consuming the wrong kind of fats. This will, in turn, lead to a lot of issues with regards to the fatty acids the body actually needs in order for smooth skin and also tissue.
Some experts have suggested a workaround from this issue. They recommend consuming proper amounts of omega-3s and also vitamins that are fat-soluble. This will really help you with reducing the amount of cellulite you have in your body.
Once again, omega 3s are something that is really good for us whether we have cellulite or not. There is no harm in taking some supplements of this essential fat.