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Hair Loss In Women: 7 Helpful Tips On Prevention

There are instances in a woman’s life when the hormones are changing. And this could lead to changes in the body, like hair loss. Hair loss that happens once in a while could be quite normal. It's only when it starts to persist and worsen that it should be a worrisome situation.

Hair loss isn’t just a vanity problem. Depending on its core reason, it may also be a sign of a health issue or nutrient deficiency. In such cases, you may need to see a dermatologist. They’d make recommendations to stop it from worsening or prevent the repeated onset of hair loss. 

Meanwhile, there are a lot of things you could do on your own to prevent or slow down the progress of hair fall. Some of these helpful tips include the following.

1. Use A Mild Shampoo

You may not be aware, but the current shampoo you’re using may perhaps be too harsh on your hair. No two women have the exact same hair condition. So you have to choose one that’s best suited for your needs. The best place to start is with a mild or gentle shampoo.

If you consult your dermatologist, such as those from Lumen Laser Center or other trusted centers in your local area, they may be able to prescribe you the best shampoo for your hair. If you’re already experiencing hair loss, a special medicated shampoo might be called for, together with dermatological treatment. 

Once you change your shampoo, you may gradually notice a change in your hair condition. It's not one that’d happen overnight. But with regular use and consistency, your hair will soon become thicker and livelier.

2. Avoid Hairstyles That Pull On The Hair Too Tight

There are certain hairstyles that pull on the hair too much, such as tight braids, ponytails, and tight buns. If you do them frequently, you’d pull your hair away from the scalp. Over time, your hair and scalp’s bond would loosen. 

While these hairstyles would surely make you look neat and presentable, avoid doing them too frequently. And if you’re suffering from hair loss, you may want to stop for the time being or see a dermatologist for hair loss houston. This is only temporary while you try to grow your hair back.

3. Start A Mediterranean Diet

In females, there’s a health condition called androgenic alopecia, also known as female pattern baldness. A diet containing raw vegetables and fresh herbs, which are components of a Mediterranean diet, may be recommended to assist in hair growth and health. For its maximum potential effects, it may be best to have this diet at least thrice a week.

If you’re keen on starting the Mediterranean diet, here are some tips that may come in handy:

  • Snack on nuts or vegetables.

  • Eat more fish like salmon or cod.

  • Enjoy a little wine but limit it to only one glass per day.

  • Sautee food in olive oil, not butter.

  • Choose whole grains instead of refined bread, pasta, and rice.

4. Avoid Heat Hair Styling Tools

Using high-heat tools to style your hair, like hair straighteners, dryers, and curlers, always brings in beautiful results. But it’s not healthy to do it every day. In the long run, your hair strands would become weaker and more susceptible to hair fall. 

If you could take some days off to leave your hair in its natural state, like during the weekend, better give your hair that break. In addition, you may also want to try out these tips:

  • Wait until your hair is fully dried before styling it with a straightener or curler. This means switching up your morning routine. So you shower first and have ample time to let your hair air dry while you go about your morning routine.

  • When using hair styling tools, keep the heat level low.

  • Don’t forget to use a heat protectant whenever possible.

5. Indulge In Protein-Rich Food

For hair follicles to be healthy, it needs to have a good supply of protein, known as keratin. So it follows that for your hair follicles to stay healthy, it needs to be nourished with protein. Healthy food choices that are rich in protein include eggs, beans, and low-fat meat like chicken and turkey.

You could sneak more protein into your diet by applying the following tricks:

  • Choose Greek yogurt for your breakfast or lunch.

  • Keep nuts handy.

  • Choose quinoa over pasta or rice.

  • Eat hard-boiled eggs.

  • Add more peas to your soups and salads.

6. Avoid Chemical Treatment On Your Hair

Another contributor to having weak and damaged hair to the point the strands are falling off is too much chemical treatment. If this is your practice, it’s a good idea to let your hair breathe and relax. Give your hair six months to a year to grow back to its natural condition and replenish its natural strength. Also, avoid chemicals like dyes, perms, peroxide treatment, and highlights.

7. Take Vitamin A Supplements

Vitamin A is rich in retinoids, which are said to regulate the growth of epithelial cells, which are found on the skin. For your hair, retinoids are known to have the following benefits:

  • Increase the rate of hair growth;

  • Help with sebum production;

  • Retain more hair.

If you need to take vitamin A supplements, be sure to get the right dosage from your doctor. Don't self-medicate. Every woman has different demands, based on factors like age, weight, lifestyle, and health needs. Apart from taking vitamin A supplements, you couldn’t go wrong with natural food sources rich in vitamin A, like the following:

  • Beef liver,

  • Sweet potato,

  • Spinach,

  • Mango,

  • Tomato juice.


Every strand of your hair has a life span of about two to five years if healthy. You could maintain strong hair and prevent hair loss if you follow a healthy lifestyle and by observing the tips above. However, there are instances when your hair follicles may not be as healthy and would fall faster than usual. If you experience extreme hair loss leading to bald spots and patchiness, it may be a sign it needs medical attention. In such a case, consult your dermatologist immediately.