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Five Tips for Better Fashion Instagram and Blogging Use

Becoming a better Instagram blogger takes time and effort and also know-how. Learn from the mistakes of other bloggers and get on top of your Instagram account in double quick time.

1. Be Engaging

Other than hashtags, this super crazy tip is very necessary! If you do not engage with other accounts and your followers, then do not expect that your following will quickly grow. Followers love seeing their questions being answered and their comments being thanked, this helps them to feel a connection with you.

Liking as well as commenting on other accounts is also very beneficial, this is for two main reasons. On being that the followers on that account will notice your comment and could choose to also follow you, the other reason is that the account that you are commenting on could also in turn choose to support you by liking and commenting on your posts. With all the new algorithm changes, the larger amounts of comments that you have, the more visibility will be placed on your Instagram posts. So, always be engaging.

2. Only Post High Quality Photos

Not only are quality photos an indicator of professionalism, they are also aesthetically pleasing to look at. Being as Instagram is picture based, this is the main thing that will be seen by your readers and potential followers. Make the photo a great one! If possible, invest in a high resolution camera, if not than become an expert editor. There are quite a few apps on the market that can work wonders on a photo from an iPhone. I personally prefer using SnapSeed, Photo Editor Plus and the LightRoom apps.

3. Be Consistent With Your Feed

Along the lines of quality photos is the way that those photos are edited. Use the same editing tools, use warm or cool tones, black and white, overexposed, whatever you choose makes sure that all you photos follow a certain pattern or are similar. When looking at your overall feed, this is much more appealing.

It is also important to be aware of the type of photos you are posting as well as in what order they are being posted. You can completely throw off your feed by placing one white border on a photo, however if done with all the photos, it could have a cool effect. Personally I do not like it when two photos that are similar are posted above and below each other or right next to each other, therefore I try spreading them out by one to maybe four squares.

It is all about deciding the look that you want your feed to have, that look is one that should be attractive. When someone is deciding if they should follow you or not, they will look over your feed and instantly know whether they will click on the follow button.

4. Group Networking

There are many great groups out there where bloggers can come together and provide each other with support. It can be huge to have some support from other bloggers — whether it is by asking questions when in need of something, or sharing comments and likes, the resources could be endless. One good way to get people’s attention is to get plenty of likes and followers as it makes people think you’re an authority – Vibbi is one such tool that can help with this.

No one person is exactly the same as the next and their journey of growing their Instagram was different from yours, you could probably learn a thing por two from them. Many of these network groups have Facebook accounts where you can brainstorm or just chat, they generally also have support chats on Instagram. So, either way you will be able to easily reach out to other bloggers for support and to ask questions.

My personal favorite is a group called Style Collective. I have had the privilege of getting to know many great girls and formed amazing friendships with people similar to myself. The group offers so much support and encouragement and the more active you are, the more you are able to get from it. Once again, look for a group that best works for you and share the kind of information you are searching for.

5. Be Genuine

Being authentic is an easy point and it can really go a long way. Things that do not fit your personality or your brand should never go up on your feed. As soon as followers or readers sense any doubt towards how authentic you are, they begin losing trust in you, they can then become less engaged with your Instagram account, or stop following it all together.

They want to connect with the real you, and the more they get to know about who you really are, the more they connect and feel as if they know you. Never sacrifice your authenticity. A great way to let you Instagram followers get to know you is by using channels such as Youtube, Facebook Live and snapchat. They are not looking for perfection, they are looking to see you!